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Terrence Platana

Justice Platana

Justice Platana Thunder Bay Ontario
By UK Indymedia 20/08/2004 At 05:37

Calvin Cumberland; Convicted of criminal libel

{{ without evidence }},

Superior Court of Justice
Calvin Cumberland, 04.12.2002 22:34

Calvin Cumberland; Convicted of criminal libel

{{ without any direct evidence }}, and sentenced to spend seven months incarcerated under house arrest.

Judge Platana; said that there was no direct evidence.
On February 7 2001.
Calvin Cumberland was sentenced to spend seven months effectively incarcerated, under house arrest, for defaming a Revenue Canada agent, for telling the truth.

Charged under section 300 of the Criminal Code of Canada, dealing with publishing known to be false.

Throughout the entire case the Crown brought no evidence to prove that what was published was actually false.

At the preliminary hearing, the presiding judge "Sandy Sargent". did not require any evidence to be brought forth showing that what had been published was in fact false, and so he committed Cumberland to trial, simply because, in his opinion Cumberland had posted the information in question.

At the trial, {the trial judge}-TERRENCE PLATANA-;{told the jury}; that the Crown had brought {no direct evidence as to falsehood}.

In statemensts to the jury, they were reminded by Cumberland; that no evidence was entered, lthough the jury convicted anyway.

In speaking to sentence, Cukmberland requested that he be discharged, because no evidence had been brought to prove that a crime was committed.

Platana;;; Good Platana!!!!

Is there justice in Canada?

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Bobs Personal Site
Bobs Personal Site 04/03/2005 03:47

Check the link!

Calvin Cumberland
Found 10/03/2005 03:23

Check; {{{Injustice busters}}}}} for all free speach that does not exist in Canada...

Click on link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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