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Commentary :: Middle East : War in Iraq

Recently Returned Delegate To Iraq Believes Education And...

...Debate in U.S. May Be the Only Way to Avert War. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with John Humphries, who recently returned from an American Friends Service Committee delegation to Iraq.
Recently Returned Delegate to Iraq Believes Education and Debate in U.S. May Be the Only Way to Avert War

Interview with the John Humphries, of the American Friends Service Committee conducted by Scott Harris

The Bush administration almost daily pronounces its intention to the world that the U.S. is preparing for "regime change" in Iraq, a now well-worn euphemism for a future American. invasion to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein. While the date of such an attack in uncertain, Pentagon documents leaked to the press indicate that a U.S. assault might come early next year.

Although the administration's justification for an attack on Baghdad is based on the unproven allegation that Saddam Hussein possesses or is developing weapons of mass destruction -- there are growing concerns that Washington's 'war talk' is damaging diplomatic efforts to return U.N. weapons inspectors back into Iraq. European and Arab governments are also fearful of the instability which could be triggered in the Middle East if American troops invade Iraq while violence between Israelis and Palestinians continues unabated. Recent Congressional hearings, while skewed toward those voicing support for a strike against Iraq, have raised some important questions about U.S. war plans.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with John Humphries, who recently returned from an American Friends Service Committee delegation to Iraq. His group, which traveled within Iraq from May 30th to June 13th, visited hospitals, schools and development projects funded by the Quaker group. Humphries reflects on conditions he observed inside Iraq and the possible consequences of a future U.S. war against Baghdad.

Contact the American Friends Service Committee at (215) 241-7000 or visit their Web site at

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