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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

National speaking tour -- Witness to Execution

Witness to Execution -- a national anti-death penalty speaking tour featuring Barbara Becnel

Thursday, October 19th at 7 PM in Washington, DC
Witness to an Execution

What: A national anti-death penalty tour, featuring Barbara Becnel

When: Thursday, October 19th @ 7 PM

Where: St. Stephen's Church at 16th St. and Newton N.W. (Columbia Heights Metro on the Greenline)

One year after the execution of Stanely "Tookie" Williams the debate over the death penalty continues to rage on. Over the past year, states across the nation have suspended exectutions citing evidence that lethal injection causes extreme suffering to prisoners. Join the Campaign to End the Death Penalty to hear first hand accounts of the barbaric death penalty and how we can organize to end executions once and for all.


Barbara Becnel spearheaded the national campaign to save Stanley "Tookie" Williams from execution last fall. As a witness to Stan's personal transformation on death row, his struggle for justice and his execution, Barbara's story is incredibly moving. In her own words, "On December 13, 2005, I stood and watched for 35 agonizing minutes while the state of California tortured my friend Stan Tookie Williams to death. I want people to know what I saw and to join the growing movement to end the death penalty in this country."

Jerome Nickerson spent nearly two decades fighting executions in the courts and on the streets. A tireless advocate for justice he witnessed first hand the arbitrariness of the courts as they sent both the guilty and innocent to their deaths. Mr. Nickerson was present as the State of Maryland botched the lethal execution of Tyrone X Gilliam in 1998, causing undo suffering to his client and friend.

And others.

Sponsored locally by the DC Campaign to End the Death Penalty. Email for more information.

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