Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Military : Protest Activity : U.S. Government

Habeas Corpus Ends, Time to Arm

Here are a couple of things almost anyone can easily acquire, which can quickly be used to make significant weapons: Nitrate Fertilizer (gardening supplies), powdered Aluminum (paint store), and sparklers. Just get this stuff, now, not later. Vanadium Pentoxide (chem supplier?) and battery acid (automotive) are also pretty handy.
The Puritans had a saying: "Fear God, and keep your powder dry." All of us who are not committed pacifists need to prepare to forcefully resist the plans evidently in train to finally crush political opposition by jailing it. Halliburton is building a whole bunch of new prison camps. The Bush administration can now lock up anyone they want (that means YOU) and throw away the key. Every federal legislator who just voted to give these powers to the Bush administration has broken his or her oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and will hopefully be prosecuted eventually, along with the criminals in the Executive branch. Meanwhile, we must face the monster they have created. Even if you are not armed when they come, resolve to fight. Americans will not shamble helplessly into slavery.

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