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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Electromagnetic and Torture Victim Report of Sept, 2007

Electromagnetic Targeting and tracking of innocent people continues in the U.S.

The NC Indy media is down where I usually post, so I will post here if you good folks don’t mind. The NC site had some good material: the CIA rendition torture flights out of eastern north Carolina, pictures of mutated vegetables from microwave assault, and the reports of electromagnetic radiation torture.

Ms. Cooper has died. A longtime victim of mind control and human rights activist against remote electromagnetic radiation human tracking and targeting, she has passed away at the age of 85.

Ms. Cooper was one of the first people to try and protect herself from the remote microwave assault by lining her windows with aluminum foil, where she lived in New Bern, NC. We will miss this fine Christian woman, who did no wrong, but suffered persecution in our country. Sheila says they burning her chest as she passed away.

B.G. reports in New Mexico that the govt. is sending drones over his area. He is a victim of mind control.

Many victims report stainless steel is helping protect them from the energy assault, and they are looking into the various grades of steel.

P. Clark now has a web page about his theory of how the electromagnetic radiation torture is accomplished.

(My other one with a bit more is he reports).

And a Japanese victim now has a web page about mind control:
Stop mind control ultra-genocide:

The victims pray for an immediate end to human tracking, assault with adverse energy which is manipulating the human nervous system and causing ill health, and confinement of the instigators behind this technology.

If you experiencing sudden palpitations, indigestion, fatigue, the hearing of voices and repetitive songs, etc . . then you could be a victim of electronic harassment and targeting.

Contacting your representatives does no good, as many victims have tried this over the years. It will take a coalition of activists and professional legal teams to present evidence to court for an immediate ban on energy that is manipulating the human nervous system.

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