LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq
UPRISE Tour: Iraq Vets, Student Activists, free events! (Sept 29-30)
The UPRISE Tour is a month-long tour with students, non-student organizers, iraq vets against the war, and music from various artists aimed at advancing student movements against recruitment in schools. We are in Baltimore from September 29-30.
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Friday, September 29
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Video Screening of Sir, No Sir!
@ Enoch Pratt Free Library
(400 Catherdral St.)
-UPRISE members will talk about the tour a bit
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Speakers and video persentations
@ St. John's Church
(27th and St. Paul)
-Iraq Veterans Against the War
-Alive in Baghdad (a video and talk on Baghdad civilian life
-UPRISE members