In the last 6 years I have learned a lot. Adversity and necessity are good teachers.
This list below is not very comprehensive really, but does illustrate how a lot of my thinking has changed over these last 6+ years.
I have learned that for the elite class to feel in control, its not so important WHAT is done to the people at large, but that SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and preferably to HURT the people, is done to the people, without them knowing it, all clandestine-like. The worst case scenario for the elite is that people will actually be able to see them for what they really are. All the games, politics, and charades are just to keep people blinded with glamor, so the monsters running things remain invisible. Most of the world has always been run by these monsters. They are just infesting America openly now, emergency indeed, and its not going to get any better. We have a unique opportunity to view what was once a good thing, as it becomes a perverted and foolish good old boy network for religio-prattlism.
I have learned that one of the most effective ways to hurt a human body is to poison it slowly, then hinder its digestion, its ability to eliminate waste. This amounts to conditioning, oh yeahhhh. This is also slow assassination of a thousand faces, appearing as DIS-eases in multitude, and this method of long term attack includes the willful denial of dental care too, which is the very beginning of digestion. Consider all the irradiations, additives, poisons, biotech, and other food debacles that are KNOWN, and you can see that eating is just the beginning of the DIS-ease market.
The DIS-ease market is big, and also now includes electronic energy weapons used to control human electrogastrography with a fine degree of variability. All the antennae. Look at all the antennae. Cell Phones. Yee-yeah right. It took a while, but I am learning this good. Just look around yourselves. Anywhere, everywhere. Ken yew sy hyle? This is sold to the mindless weasels, like the supporters of the bush crime family, as Broadcast Electronic Law Enforcement. Look it up. Look hard.
I have learned that these same creators of DIS-ease, these Sick Makers, also never stop trying to enslave others, at whatever cost, by whatever means. I mean Literal Enslavement. This time came a six year long (And Running!) mental clubbing/stunning with macro power via chemtrailing energy science and true environmental modification, enhanced with antennae programs transmitted 24-7 powered with high power iraqi oil electricity BANG in your head, and that in fact the entire human body responds to!
I have learned that if this present attempt at total electronic mind control fails (And they are going ALL OUT and really want the NUKES hooked up bad, for more power you see) they will try the antennae again next generation, because thats the most easily and cheaply deployed, and the hardest for people to understand. This time they hold economic collapse over the heads of the prey, and this also keeps some of the more vocal types at least cowed somewhat. But the goal of the elite manipulators is to pay for your room and feed you what they can, and have you work 12 hours a day 7 days a week. For them. Of Course. Thats the goal and never doubt it. If thats not happening the elite are unhappy. Very Unhappy. They want you very -- RELIGIOUS -- about your work for them.
I have learned there are ruins on Mars and The Moon, and that we have been through all this before. Perhaps many times. The precedents and standards set by the last interplanetary slave society is what the elite of this world yearn for more than anything, again. Psycho-civilization.
I have learned There are many plants and such on this planet that were specially engineered drug plants of the last civilization. This planet here was the Garden. Its all that survived the last interplanetary cataclysm.
I have learned that most of the so-called information controllers of this world today are totally out of it, and kept that way so they can be fed upon. Universitys are a government funded party, and a fertile hotbed for treason as has happened through yales long term fraternities.
Making people sick is big business, perhaps the biggest, and by witholding alleviation, one gains power over sick people. Also there are many specialty Drugs made for Rich People from things like Cancer Tumors and Aborted Foetuses, so as long as you do not have your head up your TV, it should not be hard to see that there are some sort of ghouls preying on us for their own ends, and this has been going on a long time.
I have learned that in order for the human race to move forward, these parasites and their funny beliefs need to be identified, and removed, hopefully in a way that history will remember for as long as it takes to restructure Human Reality to something it should be, versus the present day and pathetic predator/prey situation of royalty and its futile feudalism.