Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: U.S. Government

Operation Expose the Government Terrorists 2

A warning of a possible false-flag operation
Operation Expose the Government Terrorists—Within the last few months the rhetoric within the administration and the greater Neo-Con community has increased at an alarming rate unseen since the days of 9/11, this coupled with false-flag terror arrests are combining to lead many to believe that another government sponsored terror attack is imminent. All the rhetoric accusing those who oppose the terror policies of the administration of being an insurgency, and being like those who placated Nazi Germany serves a more insidious purpose than merely “politics as usual”. The United States Government is setting up the anti-war movement for blame and paving the way for immediate passage of Patriot Act II and Victory Act I & II. With the passage of these bills the Constitution will become null and void and a vast majority of Americans will be scared into begging them to take away those rights. All the gains of the anti-war and 9/11 truth movement will be lost and once again the Neo-Cons will be able to seize more control.

The ability to do this hinges on the ability to engineer a terror attack more devastating than anything in recorded history, and opens the possibility that the government may strike at numerous locations to give the illusion of a vast terrorist conspiracy. The distinct possibility stands, from the new rhetoric about homegrown terrorists, that the administration may throw blame at anarchist, communist, animal/environmental groups aligning with “Al-Qaeda” in an attempt to tie the greater anti-war movement into the upcoming false-flag operation. Vis-à-vis, the administration will be able, under Patriot Act I, to declare all members of these groups as terrorists and terror supporters, all outright opposition to the administration will find themselves in concentration/relocation centers across the nation; once Patriot II is passed these members will be able to be executed without a civil trial. The administration will have within their power to implement those plans laid out within the pages of the “Project for the New American Century”.

All of this though is dependent on the complacency of the American people and their gullibility, and this is where we come into play. I believe that there exists the possibility for the United States government to engineer another terror attack on the scale of 9/11 within the next two months. This is perfect to give them the opportunity to prevent an election and finally declare martial law. Once done the Neo-Cons will be able to basically enslave the citizens of the United States and use this nation as a machine for a greater war of world domination. The draft will fill the ranks of the military with people who will have no right to refuse service, and will never have to be released. Those who stay behind will fill jobs building machinery and infrastructure for the greater war effort. Through manipulation of religious leaders and forced drugging with psychotropic drugs the government will be able to keep the slaves in line. For that is the ultimate goal of the Neo-Con agenda, to make us all slaves.

The challenge is to get the word out. People need to have the ability to see through the next false flag operation, and the government needs to know that the American people are on to them. They need to know that we will no forfeit our liberties and become slaves to the New World Order. If we fail at reaching the public things are going to become dark and the America that has granted us the freedoms we have will quickly disappear.
Alex Jones Show

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