News :: Civil & Human Rights : Europe
Civil and Human rights mandated by the courts
Begging you a thousand pardons Sire, but the prisoners are all alive and well at this current tea party, the crumpets will be served any minute now. But let's not forget that even Shakespeare needed three witches to render a good version of Macbeth - so we may actually enjoy the part about witches in this story.

Biljana Kovacevic-Vuco (witch #1)
It seems that there are many backward ways to (dis)enjoy life today on Earth. Here are two lovely examples from Europe:
EXAMPLE 1. I see on today’s BBC that George Bush was addressing these and those issues, including “degrading prisoners”. How can any form of imprisonment be devoid of “degrading” – IT CAN NOT.
On the other hand, it might be dangerous to “wine and dine” all our prisoners at all times – I have a funny feeling that would not be an acceptable option.
EXAMPLE 2: In today’s Serbia (phew, thank God it a country in its own right again without any appendages, which hung like a stone around their necks), there is a following debate:
Natasa Kandic (surname indicates STINK),
Sonja Biserko (surname indicates vulgar bowel movement), Biljana Kovacevic-Vuco (surname indicates manipulativeness)
The three are “employed” at various NGOs (non-government organizations) based outside of Serbia proper. Now in the name of “democracy” or the warped view of democracy – they are allowed to instigate even court proceedings on account of some media being unflattering about their actions. In truth these three are all much hated in Serbia as they try to illustrate Serbian “openness” by betraying all things Serbian in addition to which they demand to be liked. Nobody likes them. They are nothing but paid traitors who do not realize that there is a huge conflict of interests, while working for an entity outside of your own country, and being on a payroll of another master you are not likely to listen and follow the thinking processes of your own country but of your master instead. That much is clear even to the 7 year olds – but not to those three witches.
Another peculiar quality they have is the fact that they came to exist on account of some alleged democracy and higher standards, but now when a prevalent “democratic” opinion is largely against them they are starting a court process for libel. Excuse me but it is perfectly within the domain of democracy to have:
I am truly sorry that nobody likes the three witches, but they may have to put up or shut up. It seems like they would like to have the cake and eat it all. Not gonna happen. Not on this planet. Not even in the pre-embryonic democracy like Serbia.

Natasa Kandic (witch #2)

Sonja Biserko (witch #3)

After having served tea to their most honorable prisonerhips, the authorities failed to deliver fresh crumpets