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News :: Labor

Why Wal-Mart Needs to Change

Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the world with over $10 billion in profits. Yet, Wal-Mart lowers our wages, causes more of our jobs to be shipped overseas, and shifts its health care costs onto us, the American taxpayers. We believe it’s time for Wal- Mart to Wake Up.
The Wake-Up Wal-Mart campaign is a grassroots movement of Americans who believe by joining together in common purpose we can change Wal-Mart and build a better America.

The Real Facts About Wal-Mart

Your Taxes Subsidize Wal-Mart. One 200-person Wal- Mart store may cost you—America’s taxpayers—up to $420,750 per year or about $2,103 per employee.

Poverty Wages. By paying wages that are below the poverty line and therefore forcing employees to rely on government welfare programs, Wal-Mart shifts costs to taxpayers, communities, and responsible employers.

Taxpayer-Funded Health Care. Wal-Mart’s health benefits are so poor, Wal-Mart employees are being forced to seek taxpayer-funded public assistance. In 11 of the 12 states that have disclosed employers who have employees on Medicaid, Wal-Mart tops the list.

Gender Discrimination. Wal-Mart faces the largest gender discrimination case in U.S. history, involving 1.6 million women. In the lawsuit, Wal-Mart was forced to reveal that women made up 72% of Wal-Mart’s hourly workforce but accounted for only 15% of store managers (1998-2002).

Loss of Community Business. An Iowa study showed that in the decade after Wal-Mart arrived, the state lost 555 grocery stores, 298 hardware stores, 293 building supply stores, 161 variety stores, 158 women’s apparel stores, 153 shoe stores, 116 drugstores, and 111 men’s and boys’ apparel stores.

What YOU Can Do

1. Sign-Up
Become a part of the nationwide campaign:

2. Adopt- A- Stor Store Become a local volunteer and help us build community coalitions at every Wal-Mart store in America.

3. Tell Others Call your friends and family and let them know why Wal-Mart needs to change and ask them to sign up.

Videos About wal-Mart

The Wal-Mart Health Care Crisis - 00:31

Who is the most corrupt? - 00:31

"Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" - 00:31

The movie Wal-Mart doesn’t want you to see.


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