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Join together at the UN Sept. 23rd end colonialism and exploitation in Puerto Rico

Sept. 23rd is a historic day for Puerto Rico. It is El Grito de Lares, the day of an 1868 uprising that helped end slavery on the island of Puerto Rico. Sept. 23, 1990 is the day that Macheteros leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios escaped from custody. It is also the day, Sept. 23, 2005, 72-year-old Filiberto was assassinated on his doorstep. Join with us to make Sept. 23, 2006 a day of resistance, rebellion and uprising.
Puerto Rico is the oldest colony on the planet, first invaded by Spain in 1493, then in 1898 by the United States. After 108 years, it continues under U.S. colonial rule.

Within those 500 plus years of invasion and occupation, the Puerto Rican people have been engaged in an anti-imperialist/ anti-colonial resistance that continues to this day.

On September 23, 1868, the Puerto Rican people rose up in a rebellion known as El Grito De Lares (the Scream of Lares). Though that uprising was infiltrated and subsequently sabotaged by the Spanish colonial authorities, it led to the eventual abolition of slavery in Puerto Rico, a greater degree of political autonomy for the island and the beginning of what the people of Puerto Rico would henceforth proclaim as the birth of the Puerto Rican nation.

Well aware of this date's significance to the independence movement, on September 23, 2005, U.S. FBI agents assassinated Filiberto Ojeda Rios. Comandante Filiberto, who founded the Ejercito Popular Boricua (the Puerto Rican Peoples Army) - Los Macheteros, was a revered revolutionary leader of the Puerto Rican liberation struggle. The assassination of Filiberto Ojeda Rios on this date was a clear attempt to kill the spirit of the ongoing Puerto Rican liberation struggle.

We extend an invitation to all those who would like to see an end to colonialism and imperialism, in Puerto Rico and all the planet, to join us on:

Let us make our presence felt and our voices heard by the United Nations, the U.S. government, and people everywhere by coming together on September 23d, when once again a nation will rise!

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