Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: War in Iraq

"The "Dirty Work" Of Zionism is Unfinished

Setting precedent could loosely be defined as establishing a pattern. In today’s world when we turn on the television we are constantly and consistently bombarded by pro-Israeli propaganda, there is no two ways about it, it’s a fact, manifestly evident to anyone with the capacity to think.

Setting precedent could loosely be defined as establishing a pattern. In today’s world when we turn on the television we are constantly and consistently bombarded by pro-Israeli propaganda, there is no two ways about it, it’s a fact, manifestly evident to anyone with the capacity to think. On the one hand we are currently being subjected to a smear campaign against Mel Gibson, who allegedly made some so called “anti-Semitic” comments about the Jews being behind all the wars in the world today, and on the other we are being told that no matter how many Lebanese children die, it’s all Hizballah’s fault and/or the fault of their so called sponsors, Syria and Iran. There is one consistency in all this, a common denominator that never changes, the Israeli’s and Jews in general are always faultless, they are inevitably the victims of others, never the perpetrators, and anyone that questions this special status is a no good anti-Semite and/or, a terrorist.

We never hear in the media about the countless acts of terror Israel is guilty of, one never hears about the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli’s targeted American assets in Egypt in the 1950s in order to frame Arabs and bring the United States into a war alongside their Jewish “Allies,” we never hear about how Israel intentionally attacked the USS Liberty, an American ship in 1967, killing dozens of Americans and wounding more than one hundred. We never hear how Israeli’s consider Jonathon Pollard, a Jewish American that committed treason by spying on his own nation for the Jewish state, to be a hero, or how Israeli leaders work surreptitiously behind the scenes with American officials to win Pollard’s release from his well-deserved life sentence. The mainstream media has never mentioned Asher Karni, an Israeli Jew arrested in Denver Colorado on January 2, 2004 for having sold nuclear weapon detonators to an unstable Islamic republic, or how his co-religionist Yehuda Abraham, an American Jeweler from New York City conspired to sell Russian made, shoulder launched, surface to air missiles to FBI agents posing as Al Qaeda operatives with the understanding that they would be used against non-Jewish Americans on domestic flights.

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