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News :: Media

Pay No Attention to The Soldier Saying the Government is Lying about 9-11

Can’t you just see some producer at Fox News calling his friends at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, and NBC confidently telling them it’s time to arrest Warren Jeffs, the Mormon polygamist, who has allegedly been dodging federal authorities for the last few years?

By Curt Maynard

Can’t you just see some producer at Fox News calling his friends at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, and NBC confidently telling them it’s time to arrest Warren Jeffs, the Mormon polygamist, who has allegedly been dodging federal authorities for the last few years? I can – I can see them calling their allies at the FBI, who have known where Jeffs has been for a long time and telling them, “since the titillating JonBenet Ramsey case is over, why don’t you arrest Jeffs now, and we’ll plaster his face all over every television in the United States, and over every front page in the print media for the next four months in order to keep America’s mind off issues that really do have some importance.”

The American media is worse than worthless, I strongly encourage you to turn off your television and find anything else to do with your time. As a student of psychology, the only reason I watch the television these days is to see what the current propagandistic approach [spin] is on any given event and/or issue. Last week it was the JonBenet Ramsey crap, and now it looks like it’ll be Warren Jeffs for the next couple of months. I don’t care about Jeffs, and neither does the vast majority of Americans, but that doesn’t matter, we’ll all be forced to hear about him over the next several weeks because the media says that’s what we want to see. It’s a lot like the Mel Gibson case, according to a Fox News poll, more than eighty percent of Americans literally don’t care what Gibson said about the Jews, but we’ve been forced to hear what the Jewish media thinks about him every day over the last three weeks.[1]

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