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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Letter From Ernst Zundel, Modern day Galileo - Dated 26 July 2006

Here in Germany it is also very hot. Yesterday after I came back from my one-hour walk in the prison yard, my electronic thermometer showed 41.8 degrees centigrade. The guards are quite nice, they open the cells a bit longer, and are understanding in the use of showers. None of these old German prisons, all built around Bismarck’s time or around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, are able to be retrofitted for air-conditioning.

Ernst Zündel
JVA Mannheim
Herzogenriedstr. 111

[Stuck on the paper : a nice coloured picture of a table in a garden with flowers and nice things to eat, and the following words : « One day we will do that in Tennessee ! »]

26 July 2006

Dear Yvonne and family,

I assume you are in La Péruse for your Summer holiday. I hope your grandchildren and the extended family can get together and enjoy your life and your freedom !

Here in Germany it is also very hot. Yesterday after I came back from my one-hour walk in the prison yard, my electronic thermometer showed 41.8 degrees centigrade. The guards are quite nice, they open the cells a bit longer, and are understanding in the use of showers. None of these old German prisons, all built around Bismarck’s time or around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, are able to be retrofitted for air-conditioning.

In the news of 11.15 a.m. on 26 July 06, there is talk about the bombing and shelling of a U.N. observer post by the Israelis. 4 U.N. soldiers were killed in this hill top outpost, which apparently was known to the Israelis for 20 years. It was clearly marked, visible for miles. Israeli forces bombarded it with 14 shells and a precision bomb from a plane ! Israel has always bragged about its infallible, all-knowing intelligence, which allows them to bombard huge office towers, apartment buildings, shops, even ordinary petrol stations – all because so is the claim. Hizbollah supposedly hides there ! Well, they cannot have it both ways : they can’t claim to be super precise in the city of Beirut and then shell a U.N. outpost on a mountain top, which is well marked and known to them for two decades.

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