Consequences versus conciliation
I bet I can guess Israel's reaction next time around when Belzeebub (Hezbollah), Black September or Purple October get to attack.

Tito (the butcher) of Yugoslavia and Gamal Abdel Naser
Consequences versus conciliation
Not too long ago it was a PLO fraction calling itself “Black September” that was forcibly kicked our of Jordan on the pressures of King Hussein who found them to be both usurping his power and launching “operations” against Israel.
PLO followed the same ideology – openly claiming that their rightful home was Israel proper, so they (naturally) had to attack Israel from any direction with any means from any other state.
Israel has been largely successful in not falling into this cat and mouse game and launched a steadily strong discouraging punch each and every time. So far that strategy worked well. The most recent application failed as Israelis intelligence misfired in identifying all the Hezbollah targets.
In conclusion, all that there is in common in all the “incidents” over the last few decades is the Muslim attack and overt aggression, only calling itself a different name. Perhaps Israel should inform all their Muslim neighbors (Christians in Lebanon are a minority) that it has no plans to leave the planet and colonize Mars.
The 1967 War, which was mentioned before on these pages equally started with a Muslim aggression. Gamal Abdel Nasser was a clearly expansionistic leader – there was no proper Egypt during the time of his rule, it was called U.A.R. (United Arab Republic) in unity with Syria (Israel conveniently squeezed in between). Let’s not forget that Naser + Tito (Yugoslavia) were instrumental in the non-alligned alliance as contradictory as it sounds. Some people are just perpetual criminals (most communists, most Jihadists, most proponents of violence – “nameless youths of Paris, France”, second generations Pakistanis of England, etc.
United Nations Security Council is largely inept as much as it is un-enforceable. Just look at the mockery of U.N. Resolution 1441 in regards to today’s Kosovo. It is clearly stipulated Kosovo will remain an integral part of Serbia – how about that Bondsteel military base? What about the different area code when calling them by phone?
Israelis know full well that the U.N. mandated “solutions” are only short term goals which are best discussed just like the revenge (“best served cold”) – shoot first, negotiate later. After all it is only an adequate consequence, exactly as it was in years past (Entebe airport raid, all other attacks on Israel or their officers/diplomats outside of Israel). After about a few hundred years some not-yet-born “Purple October”, Black September2, or some other coalition of hate, will be equally punished militarily first for incursions into Israel. I have no doubt in my mind that there will be some future Islamic Freedom Front Liberation Jihadist Killers Guild advocating death to Israel – and I also can predict Israel’s answer.
Imagine what a wonderful world this would have been if today all of Egypt, Syria and Iraq were one country?
Scary, huh?

United Arab Republic map (Iraq almost joined)

Iraq's flag is identical except with three stars as it was hoping to become the third party to the union.