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Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : International Relations

Think Outside the Bomb - NYC Conference

From November 4-5, young people from throughout the northeast will converge at PACE University to organize for a nuclear-free world. The conference is being sponsored by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, with support from Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR) Metropolitan Area and People's Action for Clean Energy (PACE). The conference will focus on nuclear disarmament, nuclear energy, and the hazards of the nuclear fuel cycle — as well as the connections between these issues.

November 4-5, 2006

New York City, PACE University

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From November 4-5, the first northeast regional “Think Outside the Bomb” conference will take place in New York City. Hosted by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Abolition 2000 New York, Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR) Metropolitan Area, and People’s Action for Clean Energy (PACE), the conference will bring together high school students, college students, recent college alumni, and young non-profit professionals from throughout the northeastern United States for a series of participatory discussion panels, workshops, and skills trainings on building a nuclear-free world.

The splitting of the atom heralded a new age of destruction and exploitation. Despite all the attention given to the nuclear programs of Iran, Iraq and North Korea, the United States possesses the most powerful nuclear weapons arsenal in the world. With the 2002 Nuclear Posture Review, the United States made public their plans to potentially wage pre-emptive nuclear war against non-nuclear states. Meanwhile, the US is spending more money than any other country to develop new nukes and maintain existing ones, and key political leaders are seeking to build the first new nuclear power plants in the US in nearly 30 years. If nuclear disarmament is to occur, it must begin here.

Nuclear power powers the bomb. Originally developed to provide the US nuclear weapons complex with a cheap source of weapons grade material, nuclear energy represents an ongoing global environmental hazard, as well as a primary source of human rights violations worldwide. Land inhabited by indigenous people has served nearly exclusively as sites for uranium mining, uranium processing, and nuclear waste dumping. The toxic consequences generated by nuclear power are unacceptable, and stopping a new generation of nuclear power plants must be a vital part of all efforts to halt a new generation of nuclear weaponry.

The “Think Outside the Bomb” conference will serve as a training ground for young people who want to work to address these issues. Attendees will leave the conference buzzing with new insights, knowledge, and inspiration, as well as an array of organizing resources and practical hands-on skills to empower them to do the day-to-day work of creating a more peaceful and secure planet.

Travel vouchers are available to out-of-town attendees. Lodging will be provided free of charge for most participants. Free food will be provided for all, throughout the course of the weekend. By attending this conference, you will become part of the “Think Outside the Bomb” network, the most active and vibrant national network of young people working for nuclear disarmament in recent memory.

For more information, please visit or contact Andrew Culp at (805) 965-3443 or

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