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Announcement :: Activism : Middle East : Peace : Protest Activity

Nonviolent People Power on the Move in September 2006

Direct Action Planned for September 26th & 27th at the U.S. Congress
sign the Declaration of Peace.JPG
Nonviolent People Power on the Move in September 2006
Direct Action Planned for September 26th & 27th at the U.S. Congress

Peace-loving people are moving to make nonviolent history in September 2006.

September will put peace in Iraq back at the top the news agenda of this nation, and in a timely fashion. As national mid-term elections approach in November, the majority of American people now understand the folly and tragedy of the war in Iraq. Every day more and more understand that the war was a mistake and want it ended. Yet Congress is not heeding the voices or the will of the American people.

Therefore, the forces of nonviolence are on the move. Nonviolent opposition to the war in Iraq is emerging in many forms that are focused on reclaiming power in Washington, D.C. to end the occupation and bring our troops home. From Voters for Peace to Camp Casey III to Camp Democracy to the Declaration of Peace, people are committing their time, their treasure, their bodies and their energies to end the war in Iraq and redirect the nation’s business to meeting human needs.

This month-long expression of people power to end the war in Iraq will culminate on September 26th and 27th with what promises to be two powerful, successive days of nonviolent direct action at the United States Congress in Washington, D.C. and in Congressional offices all across the country. On those two days and other September days preceding them, thousands of people will act across this nation and in its seat of power to stop the war-making business of Congress and redirect it to the business of peace-making.

The Declaration of Peace is taking the lead to organize September 27 actions both in D.C. and around the country, to be preceded by other activities that the Declaration of Peace is launching on September 21. The National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) is taking the lead to organize the direct action in D.C. for September 26.

Registration forms for these days of action are available online. People are being encouraged to use them so that plans can be finalized in light of the number of people who commit to the actions. The September 26th registration for the NCNR-organized action is available at The registration for local and D.C. actions organized by the declaration of Peace can be found at Organizers are also calling upon those who cannot risk arrest to come out and support those who do.

The Declaration of Peace is a nationwide campaign to establish by September 21, 2006, a concrete and rapid plan for peace in Iraq, including:
· A prompt timetable for withdrawal of troops and closures of bases
· A peace process for security, reconstruction, and reconciliation
· The shift of funding war to meeting human needs

People across the United States are signing the Declaration of Peace pledge, a commitment to take direct action if this plan is not created and activated by Congress by September 21, the International Day of Peace. From September 21–28, Declaration of Peace signers will withdraw their consent from this war and support a comprehensive peace process by taking part in nonviolent actions, marches, rallies, demonstrations, interfaith services, candlelight vigils, and other creative ways to declare peace at the US Capitol and in cities and towns across the US.

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