Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Peace

A Call for Nonviolent Resistance Actions to End the Occupation of Iraq

On Tuesday, September 26, 2006 mass civil disobedience is being organized by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance to the War in Iraq (NCNR) in support of the Declaration of Peace Week of Action . The action will be directed at Congress.
The majority of Americans believe the war in Iraq was a mistake, and want it ended. Yet Congress is not heeding the voice or the will of the American people. Now is the time to act, creatively and nonviolently, to end the occupation.
Despite the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and more than 2600 U.S. soldiers, despite untold numbers of wounded and widespread destruction, despite more than $300 billion spent and no end in sight, Congress continues to ignore the American - and Iraqi - people by refusing to chart an end to the occupation of Iraq. As a result the violence in Iraq grows daily, and war is spreading through the Middle East.
The National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, with the Declaration of Peace, calls on peace-loving people to come to Washington, DC, and make your voices heard on September 26th.
Those willing to engage in nonviolent acts of civil resistance against the war and occupation are encouraged to join us. We also enthusiastically call upon those who cannot risk arrest, but who are willing to support those who do. The voice for peace will be heard in Congress through our nonviolent actions. Join us!
Specific plans are under development, and will be shaped by participant input; nonviolence training is required, and will be provided to those needing it before the action.
For more information: Steve Cleghorn

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