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News :: International Relations

Fidel and Chavez Meet Fraternally

Several photos spread Monday details of the visit by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Cuban statesman Fidel Castro, who is recovering from complicated intestinal surgery.
Several photos spread Monday details of the visit by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Cuban statesman Fidel Castro, who is recovering from complicated intestinal surgery.

"Unforgettable Afternoon between Brothers" is the title on Granma newspaper's front page, including other eight photos of the meeting of two leaders, smiling and in the presence of Army General Raul Castro.

Pictures show Fidel Castro in his room talking with Chavez, taking down some notes in his agenda and drinking liquid.

The Cuban leader, stated the daily, met with Chavez for over three hours, telling stories, laughing, taking photos, exchanging gifts and sharing a snack.

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