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pandora's box

Pandora’s Box
An editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

War, it is a Pandora’s Box that should never be open unless it is the last resort, it is the no other choice; in Iraq we have opened the Pandora’s Box of the living hell that is War. Atrocity’s in Vietnam, the Mali massacre, rapes of young girls in the hundred, butchering and torture every bit of filth and debauchery that man could do onto another in war. In 1973 we began to close this box of hell and imprison the demons of the Hell of War. We watch a new type of hell escape the box of Pandora, terrorism at Munich and other places around the world, it touched us after the fall of the Shaw; when student terrorist assaulted and took the United States Embassy at Tehran the Iranian Capital.

Which fifty staff members were held for a year in an Iranian Prison, they were released in late 1979 after a failed rescue attempt under Carter; it was also the day that scandal rocked a new administration “the guns for hostages” scandal. Just after the Rome airport massacre to the brush wars and rescue missions in Granada and other places.

Beirut were two hundred and fifty Marines lost their lives along with their French counterpart in the Legion who lost just as many, then came the tit for tat era, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Then in 1990 just after his election George Hebert Walker Bush (the present President father) was called on by the invasion of Kuwait to open Pandora’s Box to release the Dog’s of War, yes he had an alliance of Nations to throw Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. In the History book they called it the hundred day’s war. It was a war that had the smallest casualties and made President Bush Sr. a foreign policy genius. It was a war were high tech kicked the teeth out of a low tech military force and the hunta behind it.

The thing is Mr. President, your father knew when to close the box, knew were to draw the line and end the death and destruction. If he had wmd’s why not use them? Instead of blowing up the oil fields as he ran home. The simple truth is he never had any maybe a few cans of mustard gas left over from a bloody eight year war with Iran. The title of third largest army in the world was because ninety percent conscript and ten percent hard core regulars that is why your father and the UN Forces one Gulf War I and why he knew that it was time to put the demon back in his cell, back into the box which he came from and bring peace to the world once more. Then Mogadishu and the mass death in Somalia, when President Clinton secured the city with a task force of twenty-thousand Marines.

The War lords hid till the Clinton Administration withdrew the task force, and left the duty of keeping order and making sure the food got to those who needed it. That lasted about thirty seconds after we left the militias went after the UN forces and the ambush that killed twenty-seven Pakistani members of the UN force. Pandora’s Box may be closed but there is always a few holes for the Dog’s of War to escape. Then task force 11 under General Garrison which had one job and one job only take Aided prisoner and help restore order. It failed because of political medaling, just as in Vietnam; they tied the hands behind Garrisons back leaving one free.

Thus the operation failed to succeed in anything. Just death for hundreds of Somali’s and hundreds of Americans, as the dragging though the streets of the naked bodies of Delta’s Shogart and Gordon and the capture of Mike Durant. Then came the World trade center bombing in 96, then Oklahoma, the difference is one was from the outside and another from within. One group where red neck separatist and another Muslim extremist.

The only thing they had in common was hatred, and a goal to install fear, and hate and mistrust; one racist the other religious. Then came the two thousand election and the election of a fool and a parasite name George Walker Bush, whom in one year would castrate and economy and create havoc with a foreign policy from hell. Then on September 11th Pandora’s Box exploded and the Dogs of War were released upon an unsuspecting country and its people, when a group calling it’s self the base attacked the United States in a two pronged attack one against New York and another against Washington. America’s second Peal Harbor had begun with the death of over three thousand men, women and children. It is as I have said before one thing to hunt down the wolves who murdered our people on September 11, it is a whole different story to start a war and open Pandora’s Box all the way and leave it open.

This war is wrong, this battle is wrong; to battle an enemy who throws a punch, throws a knife, and shoots a gun wields a sword that is a true battle against evil, a true war; not against unarmed or toothless tiger as Iraq. Two thousand five hundred and fifty men and women killed in action, two hundred and forty allied soldiers killed and countless allied civilians all over the World. Remember when Johnson opened the Pandora’s Box of Vietnam……fifty thousand US servicemen and women killed or missing countless civilians killed or missing and millions of Vietnamese killed. Now you sir have opened your own Pandora’s Box, a gorilla war; with fighters from the whole world and partisans and religious militias killing each other over different views, different ways; an now we as in Vietnam are caught in the middle of a fools errant; only a fools stands between to charging tigers…….or open a Pandora’s box of vipers an not expect to get bitten. Our soldiers, guardsmen stand between the light and the darkness and only we the people have the right to control our state, our militia, our home guard not you or your supporters.

For the gift of freedom is ours by right
It is not in some far off land
It is in us
And what we do to day be our destiny then, so be it
But let history remember that we as free men chose to make it so

You opened the box and sewed the wind, now try to take are home guard from us and you shall reap the Whirlwind

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