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Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Latin America

Video Cafe This Thursday In Philly -- VENEZUELA: The Truth Behind The Headlines

Phoebe Jones Schellenberg, head of the Global Women's Strike delegation, reports back on its women's truth-finding mission. Phoebe and other women with the Global Women's Strike also met with President Hugo Chavez. Phoebe will show video footage and photos, and report on what women in Venezuela are doing, what they think of the Strike, and what the Strike and women in other countries can do to defend this movement.
The Wages for Housework Campaign in Philadelphia presents a Video Cafe -

VENEZUELA: The truth behind the headlines

Phoebe Jones Schellenberg, head of the Global Women's Strike delegation, reports back on its women's truth-finding mission

Thursday August 1, 2002 7-9 pm Germantown Friends Meeting, 47 W. Coulter St, Philadelphia
(in Germantown btwn Schoolhouse Lane & Penn St, Greene St. & Germantown Ave)
Wheelchair accessible *** free parking lot *** call ahead for childcare
Donation $3-10 (no one turned away) *** Info (215) 848-1120

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In April the unelected US government engineered a military coup against the elected government of President Hugo Chavez causing the death of over 60 people. In one day, the new dictatorship disbanded Congress and abolished the Constitution. But the coup was reversed when hundreds of thousands of people, including soldiers who stood against their officers, came out onto the streets to defend their government and their movement. Women have been at the heart of this peaceful constitutional movement that prioritizes the needs of people (80% of whom live in poverty) over US oil interests. They fear more coups and assassination attempts, especially since the Bush administration has announced that it is setting up a "transitional government office"! The Global Women's Strike, whose theme is INVEST IN CARING NOT KILLING, was invited by the Venezuela Women's Institute to help prevent further bloodshed.

"As those who give life and do the work of caring and keeping the community alive, women are always building movements against violence, injustice and militarism. Women everywhere are coming together to avoid armed conflicts of which we and our children are the most numerous casualties. We don't want any more Chiles, Colombias, Palestines, Indonesias . . . We look for other ways to reclaim the wealth we have produced with our unwaged and low waged work, and use whatever we win to improve the lives of our families and the whole community."
- from GWS statement to the Venezuelan women's international conference

Phoebe and other women with the Global Women's Strike also met with President Hugo Chavez. Phoebe will show video footage and photos, and report on what women in Venezuela are doing, what they think of the Strike, and what the Strike and women in other countries can do to defend this movement.

The Wages for Housework Campaign coordinates the Global Women's Strike
(215) 848-1120; fax: 215-848-1130; email:
Global Women's Strike website:

STOP PRESS! Global Women's Strike Journal in Spanish hot off press. . . Call for copies . . . Coming soon in English


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