Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

In D.C. This Sat. August 5: Guerrilla Poets at the Whitehouse

The D.C. Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency will be joining the fast to bring the troops home this Saturday in Lafeyette Park. Be There. 5PM-7PM.
The D.C. Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency will be joining the fast to bring the troops home this Saturday in Lafeyette Park. Be There.
Please join the DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency and Code Pink in Lafayette Park on SATURDAY, August 5 in support of the TroopsHomeFast

This will be the LAST day they are in DC before moving to Texas - so come show your support through poetry and rhythm for these brave souls who have been fasting since July 4 to end this war.

WHEN: Saturday, August 5
TIME: 5-7pm

The DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency performs anti-war and progressive consciousness hip-hop, poetry, and spoken word at Dupont Circle the first and third Monday each month, starting between 6PM and 7PM. Their performance incorporates a rotating open mike with veteran voices.

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