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News :: Peace : Protest Activity

Thousands to Take Action if Concrete Plan to End US Occupation in Iraq Not Established by September 21

The Declaration of Peace is a nationwide campaign to establish by September 21, 2006 a concrete and rapid plan for peace in Iraq, including:
• A prompt timetable for withdrawal of US troops and closure of bases
• A post-occupation peace process for security, reconstruction, and reconciliation, and
• A shift of funding from war to meeting human needs
Thousands of people across the U.S. have signed The Declaration of Peace pledge, a commitment to take nonviolent action if Congress does not pass legislation establishing this comprehensive plan for peace in Iraq by September 21, The International Day of Peace.

Over the next two months, Declaration signers in Congressional districts across the country will call on their elected representatives to establish this new course. At the same time, they will prepare to take action if this plan is not established by September 21.

Thousands have pledged to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience in Congressional offices and at the US Capitol the week of September 21-28, just days before Congress adjourns for the fall elections. Communities throughout the US will hold demonstrations and rallies in support of a comprehensive plan. The Declaration of Peace campaign will continue after September if no comprehensive plan to end the occupation is in place.

Who’s Involved:
More than one hundred religious, antiwar, peace, and justice organizations are participating together in the Declaration of Peace movement – including United for Peace and Justice, a coalition with 1,400 member organizations.

Recent polls indicate that eighty-seven percent of Iraqis want a timetable for US withdrawal from Iraq, including the new Iraqi president and vice president. Seventy-two percent of US troops want to end the occupation by the end of 2006. Sixty percent of American citizens believe the Iraq war was not worth fighting. Millions of Americans oppose the US occupation.

Declaration of Peace signers are taking action to secure bi-partisan support for a comprehensive peace plan. This grassroots campaign will play a critical role in making this fall’s midterm Congressional elections a referendum on the war.

Ken Butigan
Declaration of Peace
Direct Phone: 773-777-7858

Phone: 773-777-7858

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