Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Latin America

It proclaims of the Commandant in Boss Fidel Castro to the town of Cuba

With reason of the enormous effort carried out to visit the Argentinean city of Córdoba, to participate in the Meeting of MERCOSUR, in the closing of the Summit of the Towns in the historical University of Córdoba and in the visit to Altagracia, the city where Che lived in its childhood and together to this to attend immediately the commemoration of the 53 anniversary of the assault to the barracks Moncada and Carlos Manuel of Grasses, July of 1953, 26 in the counties of Granma and Holguín, days and nights of continuous work without sleeping hardly gave place that my health that has resisted all the tests, underwent to an extreme estrés and it was smashed.
It proclaims of the Commandant in Boss Fidel Castro to the town of Cuba Mail: July of 2006 22:26:01 GMT 31 With reason of the enormous effort carried out to visit the Argentinean city of Córdoba, to participate in the Meeting of MERCOSUR, in the closing of the Summit of the Towns in the historical University of Córdoba and in the visit to Altagracia, the city where Che lived in its childhood and together to this to attend immediately the commemoration of the 53 anniversary of the assault to the barracks Moncada and Carlos Manuel of Grasses, July of 1953, 26 in the counties of Granma and Holguín, days and nights of continuous work without sleeping hardly gave place that my health that has resisted all the tests, underwent to an extreme estrés and it was smashed. This provoked me an intestinal sharp crisis with sustained sangramiento that he/she forced me to face a surgical complicated operation. All the details of this accident of health consist in the x-rays, endoscopías and filmed materials. The operation forces me to remain several weeks of rest, far from my responsibilities and positions. As our country it is threatened in circumstances like this by the Government from the United States, I have made the following decision: I delegate with provisional character my functions as First Secretary of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Cuba in the Second Secretary, partner Raúl Castro Ruz. 2) I delegate with provisional character my functions as Major in Boss of the Revolutionary heroic Armed forces in the mentioned partner, General of Army Raúl Castro Ruz. 3) I delegate with provisional character my functions as President of the Council of State and of the Government of the Republic of Cuba in the First Vice-president, partner Raúl Castro Ruz. 4) I delegate with provisional character my functions as main instigator of the National and International Program of Public Health in the Member of the Political Desk and Secretary of Public Health, partner José Ramón Balaguer Goatherd. 5) I delegate with provisional character my functions as main instigator of the National and International Program of Education in the partners José Ramón Machado Happiness and Esteban Rope Hernández, Members of the Political Desk. 6) I delegate with provisional character my functions as main instigator of the National Program of the Energy Revolution in Cuba and of collaboration with other countries in this environment in the partner Carlos Lage Dávila, Member of the Political Desk and Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Council of Secretaries. The corresponding funds for these three programs, Health, Education and Energy, they will continue being negotiated and prioritized, like I have come making it personally, for the partners Carlos Lage Dávila, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Council of Secretaries, Francisco Soberón Valdés, Secretary President of the Central Bank of Cuba, and Felipe Asleep Pérez, Secretary of External Relationships who accompanied me in these managements and they will constitute a commission for that objective. Our Communist glorious Party, supported by the organizations of masses and the whole town, has the mission of assuming the task commended in this it Proclaims. The meeting Summit of the Movement of Not Aligned Countries, to be carried out among the days 11 and 16 of September, he/she will receive the biggest attention in the State and the Cuban Nation to take place with the maximum of brightness in the agreed date. The 80 anniversary of my birthday that so generously thousands of personalities agreed to celebrate the next one August 13, I request to all to postpone it for December of the present 2 year, 50 anniversary of the Landing of Granma. I request to the Central Committee of Party and the National Assembly of the Popular Power the firmest support to this it Proclaims. The 80 anniversary of my birthday that so generously thousands of personalities agreed to celebrate the next one August 13, I request to all to postpone it for December of the present 2 year, 50 anniversary of the Landing of Granma. I don't house the smallest doubt that our town and our Revolution will fight until the last drop of blood to defend these and other ideas and measures that are necessary to safeguard this historical process. The imperialism will never be able to squash Cuba. The Battle of Ideas will continue ahead. Alive the Homeland! Alive the Revolution! Alive the Socialism! Until Victoria Always! Fidel Castro Ruz Major in Boss First Secretary of Party and President of the State Advice and of Secretaries of the Republic of Cuba. Julio 31 of the 2006 6 and 22 p.m.

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