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News :: U.S. Government

24 Kuwaitis,Saudis,Tom McMillen,Richard Rainwater, W Bush & 5.6 Ton Mexican cocaine bust

Tom McMillen,like ex CIA Chief James Woolsey,Oklahoma's Don Nickles and Arkansas Republican candidate Asa Hutchinson are also involved in a Homeland Security penny stock scam called Fortress America.Asa Hutchinson was head of Drug Enforcement Administration or the DEA that oversaw the largest increase in Afghanistan opium production in history ! And he was obviously oblivious to the drug trafficking habits of his fellow Republicans in high standing going on around him !

DFW Airport,24 Kuwaitis & Saudis,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico

SkyWay, a company with no products, and thus nothing needing "repair," nonetheless announced in July 2003 “their newly established Part 145 repair station” in a building owned by LIT Industrial Texas Limited Partnership, a venture of Texas real estate giant Trammel Crow, the flagship corporation in the far-flung empire of billionaire speculator Richard Rainwater.......
Ranked among the 100 wealthiest Americans, Rainwater backed George W. Bush in four separate business ventures, including the Texas Rangers baseball team from which Bush, who had been drilling “dry holes” until then, profited handsomely. In a heated 1994 Governor’s race, Texas Democratic Governor Ann Richards charged Rainwater “owned" her Republican opponent Bush.- Daniel Hopsicker,

Later in the night Rainwater returns to musing on how different his lot is from the residents of Lake City. And then, returning to the debate in his head, he gets a serious look on his face and says: "This is going to get a little religious. I ask why I was blessed with this insightfulness. Everyone who has achieved something, scientists, ballplayers, thinks they were given their talent for a reason. Why me? Was I given this insightfulness at this particular time? Or was I just given this insightfulness?" He pauses. "I just want people to look out. 'Cause it could be bad." - Quote from The Rainwater Prophecy By Oliver Ryan
December 26, 2005 :

Perhaps Richard Rainwater should consider his contribution to his or our nightmare by being the chief backer of ex Governor George Bush's corrupt Texas administration.Perhaps Richard Rainwater should be asked what he knows about that DC-9 caught with over 5.5 tons onboard in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche,Mexico on April 10. After all it was his own property at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport that was rented out to that Republican cocaine trafficking operation called Skyway Communications whose illegal and worthless penny stock shares were promoted and dumped on defrauded investors from Kentucky to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait !

And Jeb Bush's Florida Department of Transportation and Titan Corp of San Diego,torturers at Abhu Ghraibe, also lied in a businesswire press release about investing over $1 billion in Skyway all for the purpose of allowing insiders to dump their worthless shares to defraud investors ! And Skyway was also promoted by ex Texas House Majority leader Tom DeLay ! It's all in BusinessWire press releases and SEC filings !

SkyWay Communications Holding Corporation to Provide Integrated Airport Security System to the State of Florida Department of Transportation

SkyWay Communications Holding Corporation Enters Sales and Marketing Agreement With Titan to Provide High-Speed Airborne Network Services
CLEARWATER, FL -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 05/12/04 -- SkyWay Communications Holding Corp. (OTC BB: SWYC) and The Titan Corporation, a leading provider of comprehensive information and communications solutions and services headquartered in San Diego, Ca., have entered into a teaming agreement for Titan to sell Skyways's high-speed airborne network services to the U.S. Government for use with selected military and homeland security applications.....''

SkyWay Communications Holding Corp Announces Congressman and Republican Majority Leader Tom Delay's Appointment of Brent C. Kovar, President of SkyWay, to the National Republican Congressional Committee Business Advisory Council
CLEARWATER, Fla., August 7, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- SkyWay Communications Holding Corporation (OTCBB:SWYC), and its wholly owned subsidiary, Sky Way Aircraft, Inc. are very pleased to announce that Mr. Brent C. Kovar, President and the developer/inventor of the high-speed communications transfer technology utilized by SkyWay, has been appointed to serve on the National Republican Congressional Committee Business Advisory Council.

And John Dimitri's Negroponte's Department Of Homeland Security even allowed the plane to parade painted as a Homeland Secuirity plane apparently as it made up to 7 cocaine runs between South America and Mexico and the U.S. ! DID THEY ALWAYS LAND IN FLORIDA WITH THEIR $100'S OF BILLIONS IN ILLEGAL DRUGS OR DID THEY DELIVER THEM TO YOUR OWN DFW AIRPORT PROPERTY MR. RAINWATER !?

No wonder W Bush transfered his presidential authority to doctor SEC filings to DNI John Dimitri Negroponte,this administration can't steal and defraud Americans and Iraqis fast enough to pay for their own corruption.

By Dawn Kopecki

Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules
Now, the White House's top spymaster can cite national security to exempt businesses from reporting requirements.....''


Daniel Hopsicker,the only journalist to investigate the World Trade Center and 9/11 connection to Huffman Aviation,while the New York Times slept or dreamt of 'WMDS' in Iraq, has made the startling discovery of a San Diego Titan Corporation connection to Lebanese terrorist suspect Makrim Majid Chams - he was a Titan Corp employee ! And it's all in SEC filings that Chris 'WMDS in Iraq' Cox who W Bush appointed as SEC Chairman of cover-ups,could have easily found !

SEC,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

However SEC Chairman Chris Cox who lied about 'WMDS' in Iraq and thus sent thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis to their deaths,was responsible as a Congressman for overriding a Bill Clinton veto in order to create the corrupt SEC rules that allow the Republican and far right U.S. penny stock con artists to profit,including some in terrorist money laundering centers such as Kuala Lumpur,Saudi Arabia,Israel and Dubai,UAE ! SO THIS LIEING FRAUD,CHRIS COX, WHO SENT AMERICANS TO DIE FOR HIS LIES IN IRAQ ALLOWS CERTAIN FAR RIGHT STOCK FRAUDS TO RUN SCAMS WITH U.S. PENNY STOCKS FROM THE US. MAINLAND THAT AIDS BELTWAY AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CONNECTED CRIMINALS TO EVEN LAUNDER MONEY IN THE MIDDLE EAST !

.And now we know these worthless U.S. penny stock shares are also funding cocaine trafficking through Republican endorsed companies that pay bribes or 'donations' to the Republican Party ! What Tom DeLay and Titan Corp and Jeb Bush have aided by endorsing Skyway Communications is one of the largest cocaine trafficking operations in history !

And don't count on John Reed Stark who presides as a sort of master of ceremonies to internet penny stock fraud 'as Chief of the Office of Internet Enforcement (OIE) in the Division of Enforcement of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission' to help. ''Mr. Stark’s job entails the direction, coordination and implementation of the Enforcement Division’s Internet Program together with the investigation of many of the leads collected by the SEC's Online Enforcement Complaint Center (the bulk of these leads are non-Internet related matters parsed from the over 5,000 daily complaints and tips emailed to the SEC Enforcement Division.) '

Well Mr.John Reed Stark should resign for allowing the Republican Party 'businessmen' to tout their worthless shares over the internet and defraud Americans to profit a far right Israeli fanatic, Michael Farkas, and right wing connected Saudi and Kuwaiti Muslims including Al Ali Al Jabar head of the Kuwaiti National Guard and royalty ! Do you trust these people to do the right thing by America with the money they defraud from Americans in penny stock scams that may also launder money with unaudited and worthless penny stock shares in terrorist money suspect havens of Kuala Lumpur,Dubai,etc. ? Well Chris Cox who lied about 'WMDS' in Iraq and who created the corrupt SEC 'SAFE HARBOR' that allows his right wing pals to lie to defraud with worthless penny stockss and now heads W Bush's corrupt SEC does ! And that is why the DC-9 caught by the Mexican army on April 10 in Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico was able to fund its massive cocaine trafficking operation in the first place ! Good going Chris 'WMDS' Cox.Good going John Reed Stark.Good going John Negrponte and Homand Security.Good going W Bush. Good going Richard Rainwater !

Now we learn from The New York Times,WSJ,, that 'Swift' or Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,has been tapped by the U.S. Treasury and the CIA for data mining or monitoring terrorists Peter King and the W Bush regime call it.The same CIA that has its own 'non-profit' penny stock 'pump and dump' boiler room operation called In-Q-Tel' ! And the same CIA that has been a major investor in SRA International that has a virtual monopoly on Washington D.C. and federal government 'IT' contracts ! SRA International created Mantas anti-money laundering software that depends upon data mining or spying on financial records of banks, brokerages or Swift !


Meanwhile Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai and even James Dale Davidson and fellow Rhodes scholar Tom McMillen
have used or allowed their names to be used to fraudulently tout worthless U.S. penny stocks with supposed Saudi connections.Nannaco and Amenni were promoted in the case of Davidson and McMillen while Bellador Group has touted or fraudulently promoted worthless shares of both the Stanford University's and Chris Heeschen's and John Cooke's and Joseph Grundfest's Endovasc biotech fraud and also China Wireless,that like Brent Kovar's Skyway Communications' cocaine trafficking operation,brags of its close Republican Party connections !Tom McMillen,like ex CIA Chief James Woolsey,Oklahoma's Don Nickles and Arkansas Republican candidate Asa Hutchinson are also involved in a Homeland Security penny stock scam called Fortress America.Asa Hutchinson was head of Drug Enforcement Administration or the DEA that oversaw the largest increase in Afghanistan opium production in history ! And he was obviously oblivious to the drug trafficking habits of his fellow Republicans in high standing going on around him !

Of course W Bush lied about no money laundering from his allies the Saudis, Kuwaitis and UAE during his attempt to push that UAE - U.S. ports deal together.In truth,China Wireless and its CEO Pedro E. Racelis III are prime examples of the W Bush regime,John Negroponte and the SEC's Chris Cox looking the other way as Republican connected penny stock criminals,both foreign and domestic,run illegal pump and dump operations from Kuala Lumpur,Dubai Saudi Arabia or the UAE - no questions asked.And in the case of Endovasc,Bellador Group didn't even have to file with the SEC to disclose their involvement with Endovasc until it was too late for defrauded investors !

Pedro E. Racelis III CEO and President of China Wireless Appointed to Serve on The National Republican Congressional Committees Business Advisory Council

DENVER, April 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- China Wireless Communications (Nachrichten), Inc., (BULLETIN BOARD: CWLC), is pleased to announce that Pedro Racelis has been appointed to serve on The National Republican Congressional Committees Business Advisory Council (BAC)

Washington D.C. -- The National Republican Congressional Committee announced that Pedro Racelis has been appointed to serve on the Business Advisory Council (BAC) in recognition of valuable contributions and dedication to the Republican Party.

Racelis will serve the state of Colorado and is expected to play a crucial role in the Party's efforts to involve top business people in the process of government reform.

The Business Advisory Council is part of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and is dedicated to making sure that small business has a voice in Washington.

Racelis, who has long supported Republican ideals, particularly debt reduction and tax reform, will be a key member of the Council.

Peter King's Republican colleague,the mad Utah Mormon Senator Bob Bennett,as well as Orin Hatch and Republican Gov.Jon Huntsman are supporting a penny stock scam called National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling' or NCANS,founded by's Patrick Byne and anonymous penny stock promoters.I believe James Dale Davidson of 'Clinton kiled Vince Foster' fame is involved in this fraud as he was a similar 'anti-naked shorting' scam called NAANSS.Do a google search.

James Dale Davidson's involvement may explain why Steve Forbe's 'Fortune' and Forbe's magazine do not investigate this supposed 'anti-naked short selling' fraud created by Forbe's colleague and founder of the National Taxpayers Union Forbe's boasts of being part of.Gary Weiss a former Business Week reporter and author of 'The Mob On Wall Street' has been following the greatly Republican and right wing penny stock fraud,(in my opinion),that is found at and that Patrick Byrne helps fund,just as he gives Republican political donations or bribes with his Geico insurance billionaire daddy Jack,to fund chiefly Republican politician's dirty trick campaigns such as 'Swift Boat Captains Against Kerry' ,with money stolen from defrauded investors of or perhaps myriad worthless penny stocks they promote. You can find Gary Weiss ongoing take on stock fraud in general and Patrick Byrne's fraud on

Why does U.S. Securities Exchange Commission's John Reed Stark of internet enforcement not enforce ? Why have so many fraudulent internet websites proliferated under his reign of internet securities fraud and cyber fraud terror ? Is John Reed Stark aiding a sick psychological and stock fraud experiment as well as fraud upon investors by doing nothing to stop internet securities fraud and psychological abuse even using religion and death threats as well as fraudulent 'naked shorting' claims,etc. to promote stock fraud ? And the anonymous internet threats come from people he can and has identified already on the world wide web and on ragingbull and Yahoo and their extended websites and yet does nothing about it except to protect the criminals.John Reed Stark and other SEC officials are now responsible for allowing illegal pump and dump scams and probable money laundering with unaudited U.S. penny stocks in Dubai,UAE and for this reason alone should resign in mass or be convicted for this traitorous fraud against Americans.

- Tony Ryals

DFW Airport,24 Kuwaiti & Saudi investors,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico

In Search of the American Drug Lords

JULY 28, 2006--Venice,FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker

Court documents obtained by the MadCowMorningNews shed new light in the murky tale of an American-registered DC9 caught carrying an astonishing 5.5 tons of pure cocaine in Mexico in early April.

The company which owned the seized "Cocaine One" DC9, SkyWay Aircraft of St. Petersburg FL, leased a 70,000 square foot “repair” facility at DFW Airport in Dallas for more than $20,000 a a building owned by a man called “George W. Bush’s biggest supporter” and “the power behind the throne” during Bush’s first Presidential campaign.

SkyWay, a company with no products, and thus nothing needing "repair," nonetheless announced in July 2003 “their newly established Part 145 repair station” in a building owned by LIT Industrial Texas Limited Partnership, a venture of Texas real estate giant Trammel Crow, the flagship corporation in the far-flung empire of billionaire speculator Richard Rainwater.

Ranked among the 100 wealthiest Americans, Rainwater backed George W. Bush in four separate business ventures, including the Texas Rangers baseball team from which Bush, who had been drilling “dry holes” until then, profited handsomely. In a heated 1994 Governor’s race, Texas Democratic Governor Ann Richards charged Rainwater “owned" her Republican opponent Bush.

SkyWay "TV repair shop" rent: $20,000 a month
Court documents in the SkyWay’s Federal bankruptcy proceedings in Tampa reveal that SkyWay signed a lease costing $21,000 a month in base rent and operating expenses.

Why would a start-up company which doesn’t (and never will) have any products, spend $20 grand a month to rent a facility to “repair” them?

“We were told we were going to use the facility to service monitors and video equipment which airline’s use to provide onboard entertainment,” an ex-employee explained. “But when you think about it, fixing TV monitors on planes in a facility costing more than 20 grand a month doesn’t seem real economic, does it?”

SkyWay shared the facility with another firm, Airbase Services Inc. A month after the DC9 was seized in Mexico, Airbase filed for bankruptcy.

The registered owner of an airliner caught with more than five tons of cocaine had been leasing, for no easily-discernible purpose, an expensive airport property owned by George W. Bush’s biggest backer.

An amazing discovery. We thought: Eyebrows will be raised.

It seems to confirm our suspicion that tracking the parties involved in the massive cocaine shipment "might could" lead to top officials in the Bush Administration or the CIA.

But we never thought it would lead to them so quickly...

We think its a fair question to ask: What was the nature of SkyWay’s connection to Richard Rainwater, and to George W. Bush?

Scandal figure shows extra-Judicial initiative
Court documents in the SkyWay’s Federal bankruptcy proceedings also provided more detail on the DC9’s ownership, which has been hotly disputed.

At the time of the bust, April 10, it was registered, not to SkyWay, which had already gone bankrupt, but to a SkyWay insider who had somehow wrested control of the planes for himself.

In an example of ‘extra-judicial initiative,’ Frederic Geffon of Royal Sons Inc. registered the plane, N900SA, first in the name of his own company, Royal Sons Inc., and then in his own name.

Bankruptcy trustees are currently negotiating a settlement with Geffon. They told us that SkyWay creditors had to date received no money from this beneficial (to Geffon) change of ownership.

Also last week, a second group of investors, mostly from Kentucky, have filed a lawsuit against Sky Way in in Hillsborough County court, accusing the company and its principals of fraud, civil theft and conspiracy to defraud, among other charges.

The company "shamelessly used the tragedy of 9/11 to concoct an elaborate scheme of fraud designed to prey upon the vulnerable mind set of the American public," the lawsuit states.

Dinner with Bush a "brief encounter"
The lawsuit states that investors were told that “Sky Way's management team was invited to dinner with President Bush to discuss its operational status.” But the "dinner and talk was nothing more than a brief encounter along with a host of other political contributors," the lawsuit states.

The investors appear to have a reason to feel bitter. They, and their money, never stood a chance.

SkyWay Aircraft appears to be a classic example of a “dummy front company.” The purpose of the firm was not to make money. They had nothing to sell. Even if they did no one would buy it. In their self-proclaimed niche market, the main competition of this barely-there firm was... Boeing.

Here we recall that terror flight school Huffman Aviation wasn’t in the business of being a flight school. Nothing about the actions of the two principals there made any business sense.

They were losing $40,000 a month at their Naples location when they blithely decided to pay twice what it was worth in cash to buy a second flight school in Venice.

“When things don’t make business sense, sometimes its because they do make sense... just in some other way.” one former Huffman executive told us darkly. (He insisted on anonymity, because “I have a family, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to them,” he told us.)

"Murky is as murky does"

In exactly this same way, now-defunct SkyWay Aircraft was never a real business either, in the sense of being a corporation set up to make money for its shareholders, a fact which angry investors have now begun to realize.

While burning through $40 million of investor’s money in three years, the bankrupt firm’s only accomplishment was amassing a mini-fleet (actually, just two) DC9’s, one of which was painted to impersonate an aircraft belonging to the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security.

And SkyWay’s resident “boy genius,” Brent Kovar is no Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. People willing to go the extra mile to steal from widows and orphans aren't troubled by much. Kovar's neighbor lent him $300,000, one former exec told us, for a few days as a personal loan, without even bothering to write it up. His chances are slim to none, apparently, of getting his money back.

SkyWay Communications Holdings Corp., a “holding company” that “held” only one company, SkyWay Aircraft, lost nearly $40 million between 2002 and its last annual report in January 2005.

Skyway, "has left a trail of tangled litigation and angry investors, including 24 Kuwaiti and Saudi nationals," said an article in the August 26, 2005 Tampa Business Journal.

Investors "poured money into a company that promised to protect airplanes from terrorism and provide high-speed Internet at 30,000 feet.”

In a bankruptcy hearing, federal Judge Paul M. Glenn called the case "murky." "I have a great deal of concern about this case," Judge Glenn said. "There's a great deal we don't know."

How come we don't got no drug lords, Daddy?
When an American-registered DC9 airliner was caught red-handed, or red-winged, with 5.5 tons of cocaine, researchers into the murky world of international narcotics smuggling—the number one industry in the world in terms of foreign trade—were excited about the prospect that the case would reveal, at long last, the identities of the industry’s titans, figures heretofore shrouded in mystery.

In a nation of entrepreneurs whose globe-trotting verve is the envy of the world, it has been a puzzling oversight that the United States of America officially has no authentic native-born Drug Lords.

We seemed to do okay in other areas of organized crime…Our stock swindlers and fraud merchants, for example, are the envy of the underworld. John Gotti could hold his own with any Russian Mobsters. And the Yakusa wasn’t kicking sand in anybody’s face.

Yet it seems we have neglected to nurture any home-grown American Drug Lords.

What does this say to ambitious American youngsters, looking for role models for future careers? Were we fated to import them forever from South America, like we do with junior welterweights?

The hope of course was that at long last we would now learn the names of Drug Lords whose first names weren’t “Pablo” or “Juan..." that the massive seizure in Ciudad del Carmen, in a remote corner of Mexico’s Yucatan, would give American youth role models from their own culture.

'Meth for sex' trades no longer real big news
Alas, our elation was short-lived. The FAA accepted back-dated documents stating the plane had been exported before the bust. The registered owner wouldn’t say to who. The FAA claimed it wasn’t their problem. They didn’t care what you did with the planes. They just registered them.

The DEA was even worse. They deliberately undervalued the amount seized by a whopping $400 million dollars. Asked if they were investigating the American side of the 5.5 ton bust, the Tampa DEA office issued a terse no comment.

The DEA website has press release’s issued at about the same time as the cocaine bust… “7 Arrested and Thousands of Marijuana Plants Seized in East Bay Area,” heralds one.

“38 Members of a Palm Beach County Crack Gang Face Federal Charges,” another announced. A third release headlines this less-than-amazing fact:

“Meth Sold For Sex On Wind River Indian Reservation.”

In a world where they're already re-making Miami Vice, this seems a little tame. We wondered: did the DEA have to go undercover to see the "Meth Sold for Sex!" Were there secretly-recorded video of the transactions?

"Half a billion here, half a billion there, and pretty soon you got a Congressional Majority"
But there is nothing from the DEA—not one peep—about an American registered plane carrying more than a half billion dollars worth of product destined for the U.S.

In the lobby of the CIA there’s an inscription on the wall which reads: “Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

If the DEA puts one up in their lobby it should say: “Mum’s the word.”

The chief shared characteristic of the people involved seems to be the ability to act with impunity and without regard for legal consequences. Their actions regularly make a mockery of the concept of “Equal Justice Under Law” which schoolchildren are taught is the basis of American government.

Call them what you will. We call them, a little melodramatically perhaps... the Masters of the Universe... people able to do things for which ordinary people ordinarily pull Federal time.



by Jerry Politex

Bush tells folks outside of Texas that if they don't know what he's capable of doing, they should just come down to Texas and look around. Then they'd know. Some are dismayed by what they've found. On Monday we wrote that in the February issue of "Harper's" Joe Conason's will "report that scant weeks after Dubya was sworn in as first-term Texas governor in 1995, the University of Texas Board of Regents voted to place millions of state dollars with the Carlyle Group, even though Bush had just quit his job as a corporate director of Carlyle-owned Caterair, a leading U.S. airline caterer." (see below)

Independent of Conason, we went on to identify Bush billionarie friend, business associate, and major campaign contributor Thomas Hicks as the Bush-appointed chairman of The University of Texas Investment Management Co. which manages the Permanent University Fund. Nearly $9 million of the PUF has been invested in Richard Rainwater's Crescent Equities. We previously noted that Rainwater, Bush, and others sold the Texas Rangers to Hicks while Bush was Texas governor, and Bush's Texas Rangers stock was not held in blind trust. However, other Bush stock was held in blind trust, by Rainwater. During his first term Bush proposed that the state consider privatizing state mental hospitals, which "could have benefitted Magellan Health Services, Inc... controlled by Richard Rainwater," according to the "Houston Chronicle," 8/16/98. During that same period he signed legislation that will provide a $10 million bonus to Texas Rangers partners when a Dallas arena is built. This arena will also enhance the worth of Thomas Hicks' hockey team. "In the six months after that bill was signed, Bush's political fund received $37,000 from Hicks, $11,000 from Crescent President Haddock and $5,000 from Ross Perot, Jr. ... majority owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team." Crescent owns a share of the Mavericks..........

In the upcoming February issue of "Harpers," Joe Conason's "How George Bush Got Rich" will report that scant weeks after Dubya was sworn in as first-term Texas governor in 1995, the University of Texas Board of Regents voted to place millions of state dollars with the Carlyle Group, even though Bush had just quit his job as a corporate director of Carlyle-owned Caterair, a leading U.S. airline caterer, according to Matt Drudge.

Conason's investigation of Governor Bush, his past employer, and the money men who determine the use of the vast funds of the University of Texas should not end in 1995. The relevant committee that the Board of Regents uses to decide upon how the University of Texas invests its billions is run by billionaire Tom Hicks, a Bush appointee who was Dubya's major campaign contributer to his '98 gubernatorial race and a maximum contributor and one of his major fundraisers in his presidential campaign. This investment banker to whom Bush and his billionaire mentor,Richard Rainwater, sold the Texas Rangers, owns a vast sports and media empire. Bush has allowed him to head up a committee charged with "investing $1.7 billion of public university money in the form of investments in private companies." Unfortunately, questions have recently been asked because "almost a third of the $1.7 billion has been committed to funds run by Hicks' business associates or friends (and).... five funds run by major Republican political donors." Hicks has been unwilling to answer questions about his activities on the public's behalf. "In the past three years, state auditors have criticized the secretive nature of [the Hicks committee's] investment decisions and have complained about the potential for conflicts of interest for board members," according to a March '99 report in the "Dallas Morning News."

During Dubya's first term as governor he had an active and ongoing relationship with Hicks and Rainwater to the advantage of all three men. While not proving a quid-pro-quo, here's what "Houston Chronicle" reporter R.G. Ratcliffe found (8/16/98): 1. Bush proposed that the state consider privatizing state mental hospitals, which "could have benefitted Magellan Health Services, Inc... controlled by Richard Rainwater," who at that time was co-partner of the Texas Rangers (not in a Bush blind trust) and President of Crescent Real Estate Equities (in a Bush blind trust). 2."[Dem candidate for governor] Garry Mauro claims Bush vetoed the Patient Protection Act in l995 because it would have affected the profits of a major hospital chain that Rainwater controlled." 3. Bush endorsed a property tax reform bill that would have saved a Rainwater investment company $2.5 mil in school property taxes. 4. Bush-signed legislation will provide a $10 million bonus to Texas Rangers partners when a Dallas arena is built. 5. This arena will also enhance the worth of Thomas Hicks' hockey team. Further, Hicks bought the Texas Rangers from the Bush partnership. 6."In the six months after that bill was signed, Bush's political fund received $37,000 from Hicks, $ll,000 from Crescent President Haddock and $5,000 from Ross Perot, Jr. ... majority owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team." Crescent owns a share of the Mavericks. 7.Hicks is the chairman of The University of Texas Investment Management Co. which manages the Permanent University Fund. Nearly $9 million of the PUF has been invested in Rainwater's Crescent Equities.

Since these actions have taken place, the Guv has sold his share of the Texas Rangers for around $l5 mil as well as his Crescent holdings for an undisclosed amount. However, while he owned stock held by Rainwater, Bush created problems by not putting all of his holdings in a blind trust, having the same business partners involved in both blind trust holdings and non-blind trust holdings, and bringing them or their firms into state government to become involved in the administration of state funds.









Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud

Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?;

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...

CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

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