International press means credited in Cuba and others of the world grant wide diffusion to the President's speech Fidel Castro in Bayamo, while from diverse latitudes it is known of the celebration by the Day of the National Rebelliousness in Cuba, occasion of new actions of solidarity with the Island.

International press means credited in Cuba and others of the world grant wide diffusion to the President's speech Fidel Castro in Bayamo, while from diverse latitudes it is known of the celebration by the Day of the National Rebelliousness in Cuba, occasion of new actions of solidarity with the Island.
CUBAN and Venezuelans Took Place the Day OF the National Rebelliousness in An Act that Gathered More OF a Hundred OF People in the University BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA, Our Special Correspondent, MARIELA PÉREZ VALENZUELA informed.
"Cuba doesn't need any plan of transition yanki to alphabetize, to vaccinate and to assist its population's health that has superior indexes of health to those of United States in those sectors", subscribes today the German agency DPA when pointing out the Commandant's words in Boss.
The rejection and energetic accusation to the call Plan Bush, the conquests of all type reached by the country, the perspectives and goals as regards health and the energy revolution, were among the topics tried by Fidel and consigned by international diverse informative means.
The searchers of news Google and Terra, BBC World, the televisoras TeleSur, CNN, Univision, among other, the agencies Bolivariana of News, BolPress, Reuters, AP, AFP and AnsaLatina, the radio station Union Radio, the newspapers The Financier, The Day, Mexicans, The World, of Spain, The Nation, of Costa Rica and The New Day, of Puerto Rico, sink to the list of more than a hundred of means in those that Fidel's speech was outstanding news.
The maxima directing Vietnamese sent congratulation messages to the President Fidel Castro, for the Day of the National Rebelliousness. The general secretary of Communist Party of Viet Nam, Nong Duc Manh, as well as the president of the Republic, Nguyen Minh Triet, and the prime minister, Nguyen So Dung, expressed this way its congratulation for the anniversary 53 of the assault to the Barracks Moncada.
Equally, the president of the National Assembly, Nguyen Phu Trong, sent a congratulatory message to its Cuban homologous, Ricardo Alarcón of Quesada. The same thing made the viceprimer minister and chancellor, Pham Gia Khiem, in missive to the Cuban minister of External Relationships, Felipe Asleep Pérez.
Groups of friendship and solidarity with the Island celebrated the efeméride last Monday in an act in Hanoi, in which you/they condemned the one gotten worse the government's North American Groups of friendship blockade and solidarity with the Island they celebrated the efeméride last Monday in an act in Hanoi, in which they condemned the one gotten worse the North American government's blockade and they demanded the liberation of the Five antiterroritas Cuban prisoners in jails of United States.
Several thousands of Mexicans, representatives of more than 250 social organizations and politicians summoned by the Mexican Movement of Solidarity with Cuba this 26 of Julio, they went for the federal capital and they showed in front of the embassy of United States.
On the other hand, the integral Colombians of the Corporation of Solidarity with Cuba, Camilo Cienfuegos, and of the Committee for the Liberation of the Five, they ratified today their support and back to the Cuban Revolution.
In Nicaragua, Cuban and nicas also greeted the efeméride, PL informed. The second boss of the diplomatic Cuban mission in Managua, Reinaldo Amador, underlined that the Cuban solidarity is made reality in the Central American country with the thousands of people that are being alphabetized with the help of the method Me, yes I can, and in the air bridge of the Operation Miracle that has allowed at hundred of poor Nicaraguans to recover the vision.
The Russian movement of solidarity with Cuba commemorated, in turn, the efeméride of Moncada in the cinema Illusion, of Moscow, with the projection of the documentaries The Blue lamp and Alba from Cuba, carried out by the teacher of the Soviet cinema Roman Karmen.