Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Globalization

FINAL WB/IMF DATES: ACC People's Strike: S27 MGJ Direct Action Quarantine: S28

After weeks of wrangling and a date change by the IMF, the MGJ has decided to undertake a direct action quarantine of the WB/IMF on Sept 28th. The ACC has also changed the date for The People's Strike to Sept 27th. Spread The Word!
-------- The Moblization for Global Justice Statement: ---------
After weeks of wrangling and a date change by the IMF, the MGJ has finally settled on a date and rough scenario: we will launch a direct action quarantine of the meetings on Sept. 28th.

Since IMF structural adjustment is the economic equivalent of smallpox, WE WILL QUARANTINE IT SAFELY AWAY FROM THE PUBLIC!

Quarantine means nothing goes in, nothing comes out. The direct action begins in the afternoon, trapping the delegates in the meeting and the scenario WG will decide in the next few weeks whether to extend it through the night and/or through Sun after that.

The ideal would be to, like any other quarantine, keep it in effect until the disease is eliminated, meaning in this case that they agree to cancel the debt unconditionally and end structural adjustment as a result.

Of course, only those delegates that make it through the People's Strike (ACC action) will be affected by this.

-------------- The ACC Statement: ------------------

The People's Strike: A Day of Non-Compliance and Resistance September 27th

Convergence: Skillshares, Meetings and Preperation September 25 and 26th

Date Change!

The IMF and World Bank have moved their meetings in fear of the planned People's Strike that was to occur on October 1st. They have changed the meeting dates to September 28 and 29 to try to avoid the toll the Strike would take on their ability to effectivly hold their meetings in DC on the 1st of October.

We recognize this as a victory in our organizing for the People's Strike because we have effectively disrupted the IMF and World Bank's plans to start the meetings on October 1st.

The Anti-Capitalist Convergence has now changed the date of The People's Strike in order to hold it the day before the meetings to extend the protests of the meetings into the work week and to Shut Down the City the day before their fall meetings. We are moving the day of non-compliance and resistance and now are calling for the strike on September 27. The convergence with meetings, trainings and other preperation will be on September 25 and 26.

The ACC is tentativly planning a general assembly on the People's Strike the last weekend in August. We encourage spokespeople from affinity groups and organizations as well as intersted individuals from anywhere who will be in DC for the People's Strike to come take part in this meeting, get an update on how organizing is coming along in DC, and consult and discuss direct action plans. In Washington DC - August 31 and September 1.

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