Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Elections & Legislation : Military : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Visiting Congressman Cuellar

Thank you to the intern whose initials are N.T. I am thankful for your Christian generosity to relay the message to the Chief of Staff, Terry Stinson regarding election fraud information for Robert Kennedy.

The Washington D.C. site is down and there is no longer one for San Antonio. Therefore I am posting to Baltimore so you can get the messsage.

I would like to thank the wonderful people at Jericho City of Praise yesterday for all your prayers. I was quite successful today thanks to your prayers and that is because we all share a belief in our father, Jesus Christ.
It was pleasure to speaking with you on such short notice.

Texas has a fine Congressman. Bravo, Congressman Henry Cuellar.

The military families appreciate it that you are raising the death benefits gratuity to $100,000. I also am glad that you had worked so diligently on the designation of witness protection grants to encourage witness testimonies in border-related cases.

I was wondering if you could get grants for whistle blowers who are telling the truth and are law abiding citizens. I am not alone in this situation. At the end of that sheet I gave to your staff to digest and act upon are other whistle blowers who would appreciate such actions taken for being American Patriots.

To contact the Honorable Congressman his phone number is (202)-225-1640

an American Patriot, Jeff Fisher

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