Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Weds. Tonight: Indymedia Reporting Training

Editors and reporters from Baltimore Indymedia will be hosting a brief "Reporting 101" basic training tonight in Mt. Vernon, free and open to all
Wednesday, July 5, 7:30pm @ Contemporary Museum

Indymedia Writing Workshop:

True or False?

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."--George Orwell

If your answer was "true," then you want/need to join us at the Indymedia Writing Workshop!

Baltimore Independent Media Center is offering a workshop to help you develop your skills as a writer and to publish in our daily news & commentary website or in our new quarterly newspaper, the Indypendent Reader—edited & produced with campbaltimore artist collective. The workshop will focus on news reporting, feature writing and interviewing techniques.

Indymedia editors and writers have experience writing for Z Magazine, the City Paper, The Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy, Social Anarchism, The Nation....

But, you say, “I am not a writer.” We still want
you. There are lots of ways to become involved—photography, video production, radio, fact-checking, distribution, fundraising, and developing benefits and grants.

Contemporary Museum
100 West Centre Street
Info: 410.243.3913 or

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