Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Miscellaneous


We are currently in the process of planning the sixth annual, National Conference on Organized Resistance. The conference hopes to play a significant role in coordinating a dialogue between activist groups, and spark in-depth discussion of strategies and tactics of our various social justice movements. The conference usually draws 1,000-3,000 people from all over the country, as well as from outside the United States.
note: the email address contact was wrong in the last call, please use ---------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR SUGGESTIONS FOR UPCOMING ACTIVIST CONFERENCE We are currently in the process of planning the sixth annual, National Conference on Organized Resistance. This conference is held towards the end of January, in Washington D.C., on the campus of American University. The conference hopes to play a significant role in coordinating a dialogue between activist groups, and spark in-depth discussion of strategies and tactics of our various social justice movements. The conference usually draws 1,000-3,000 people from all over the country, as well as from outside the United States. We are at the stage now where we are trying to design workshops, lectures and discussions. There will be a call for proposals in a short while, but for now we are looking for your help. We are asking you, our fellow activists, to tell us what you would want in a conference, whether or not you plan to attend. We would like you to suggest topics you would like to see addressed, specific events or movements you would like to see profiled, and specific speakers you would want to see. We also ask that if you have been to one of the previous conferences, you relay any criticisms or suggestions to us. The responses received will form the basis for our pool of ideas. This conference is for all of us, and we would like to see it fit the needs and desires of a broad range of people. Please help us make this year's conference one that everyone enjoys and benefits from. Please send all comments, suggestions, thoughts, etc to We would appreciate is all responses are sent as soon as possible and no later than August 1st. Please feel free to post this announcement anywhere you deem appropriate. If you want to check out the website from last year's conference it can be found at: thank you all for your valuable input, michael NCOR collective

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