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Attacked by a state worker in NM
get bush

Attacked by a state worker in NM
as to hornets and nest remember all good worker bees need a good buzz
going to deming 2day a idiot from state DOT has a street cleaner out off interstate 1-fucking-10 sending up monster cloud of dust, this happens a lot its street theatre for little ol' me, i am well known here boy oh boy
everybody here is acting like they havent shit good in like 3 days and thats because its true some have not shit at ALL (electrogastrographic weaponry COLON POW!!) all those clouds sprayed over pacific last week brought in here its heavy torture dome bad bad bad because this is where the crux of the immigration issue is-- the huge invasion force from south America is the enemy -- i grew up in miami i know hispanix well, much too well
anyway i flipped the idiot off, i could have been pointing upward cause they did lay lines, and i do that everytime I am out -- i have people around me now when i go in people who watch, make sure other people do not fuck w/me weird eh? I see em now all the time
but anyway this guy fron the state i did flip off, they are just the mexican welfare state mob, and richardson is the capo
he came up later in his safety vest he had come looking for me, he was fucking STALKING ME, we had a major confrontation when i was getting gas to come home, he said he was going to report me, I was thinking of spraying the asshole with gas and lighting him on fire, but i think that was uploaded stuff -- they have been at me hard with meg power last 3 days thanks goddess for this setup here---this was a big flop ---this chuckie wndsor NWO production of last few days I am gwon to see that limey piece of shits head on a pike...
i said hey bud that was a hazard and i am not sure you even got the right guy
he goes oh yeah (LOUD) this car!
i said ok, you are accusing me, whats your name, and do you work for the city or state ? --this was all very ugly and i am simplifying the dialogue here--
even that bimbo knew enough to haul ass he was fucking up by the numbers, i think thats called
i got his name though but it its was ugly enough already
fucking people better not mess with me i am the real police and the criminals are in the fucking government and i DO believe in the death penalty TOO
so hope you kept at them fucking wasps over there