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News :: Elections & Legislation

2000 Election Evidence Proving Conspiracy

Please let the greatest attorney
in Philadelphia, Robert F. Simone
know that Jeff (aka Wolfie)
(aka whizkid) Fisher is going to
stop running and present the
evidence that he was going
to have Congresswoman Maxine
Waters give to the House
Judiciary Committee.

I also want Attorney Willie Brown
in San Francisco and Attorney Roger
J Rosen in Century City to know that
I am thankful for their advice also.
I have called Robert Kennedy’s Hotline
number several times over the past two
plus days. That number is 866-313-9443.

I have left numerous messages that only
the Kennedy’s would know about,
specifically information that I have
relayed to them over the past six months. Specifically, Congressman Patrick Kennedy.

I have informed them that I am going
to the LA Times this coming week
regarding the 2000 election evidence
I am offering to them.

This is the evidence that Congresswoman
Maxine Waters tried to quash on May 18,
2006 from getting from her LA office to
the House Judiciary Committee which was
a prearranged meeting set up by her Chief
of Staff, Mikhail (spelling unsure).

Ms Waters had the LAPD escort me in
handcuffs on a 5150. She only succeeded
for 30 hours.

I have contacts whose contacts in
"intel" had me released without any
questions asked.

I also have other reporters who know
of this meeting just in case I am
stopped, harmed or just disappear.

This conspiracy reaches beyond
the shores of the United States.

An American Patriot Jeff Fisher

The number to the National WhistleBlower Hotline
(202) 580-8531

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