News :: Activism
Prayer For The Death Of The Tyrant
Macro Augmentation of Psi
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re: Indias defense weapon of mind.
Insider info concerning the amplification of Psi given to various fundamental churches as way of effecting reality. Prey. it worx. Xtian Vampires of the soul. Time for activists to awaken and use what they have always possessed.
it is spirit warfare in every sense of the word.
hitler was given rudiments of the tech by vatican. this is ancient technology. the antennae the antennae the antennae....this is takeover of America by vatican and anti-liberty forces....long term...the mk of the antennae and chemtrailing is biggest part
mind kontrol komrades....
during and right after major enmod events human psi abilities amplified -- groups can willfully partake of their powers as bio-interferometers within the multiverse. Do not hesitate it is what you really are. in fact, hurry up please.
Join together and pray for the death of the tyrant and all of his kind....