Would you have ever imagined that an egg could topple the world's second largest religion? Don't forget that God works in mysterious ways. Let's see what happens when we consult a few eggs.

Would anybody have ever envisioned that an egg would topple world's second largest religion? (Don't forget that God works in mysterious ways)

Egg on the face of:...........
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Hijab cover the hair (scarf), veil covers the face, both together comprise a burqua
Dissecting Islam
Nothing on Earth functions on its own and with complete independence of all other things. Some of the issues, regarding Islam didn’t become prominent till the day we realized our dependence on oil (or more accurately till Muslims didn’t realize our dependence on oil). 1971 I was in London as a child and I noticed a good presence of Arabic clothing in spite of the fact that Carnaby Street had just finished dictating the fashion directions to the remainder of the world – that’s how I noticed that the Arabic tunics, turbans and robes stood out.
OPEC was founded in 1960. The increased profits from the sales of oil brought the Arabic nations wealth and prominence. They traveled to London (heart of European fashion at that decade) and didn’t hesitate to adhere to their own sense of style and fashion.
The United States wasn’t overly careless, taking careful note that recently amassed profits in the Arab countries have endangered the positions of Esso, Exon (before it was renamed into today’s Exxon), Mobile, Texaco, Amoco and other American companies operating in the Gulf states. As a matter of clever fiscal policy, the proper American dollar was subdivided into:
1. Cash dollar worth about $1.00
2. clearing dollar (used for clearing house’s brokering) $.75
3. PetroDollar worth eventually about $.50
This was the only way that vast wealth of the Gulf states, could be partially brought into the United States, which have provided most of the infrastructure, know-how and initial investments into the exploration.
It is believed that apathy is a spiritual cancer. “Him, who takes no care of his land, is a brother to him who is slothful”. Christianity mandates work in the sphere of the spirituality. Islam is no exception. With one major difference. Christians are encouraged to learn, compare and contrast, while the Muhammedanists are forbidden to question, expound, explore or inquire in any fashion into their faith. In that respect alone, lay the major advantage of Christianity (and Judaism too).
The current fervor, with which we now (for the first time in 1300 years) are looking into all faiths and all religions, is unparalleled. In the course of our observations (without any zealot-like vengeance, without any malice), we do owe it to ourselves to examine all that surrounds us. It would be foolish to live in the United States “Tornado Alley” and not study the weather. It is to that same logical requirement that we must study and know about Islam. In the course of history we have had many unsavory characters from all religions – there were unsavory Jews (Pharisees come to mind first), unsavory Christians: King Richard Coeur de Leon (Richard the Lion-heart of Aquitaine and England, Thomas De Torquemada and Queen Isabella Catolica of Spain - during the Spanish Inquisition; so it would be futile to claim that any religion or faith is “fault-free” or superior in any fashion.
COMPARISON CHAPTER: A) Even a perfunctory look forces us to make comparisons between the key figures in the respective religions (Christ and Muhammad). Regretfully (to us all) the differences are rather enormous. We know Christ to be the son of God, the integral part of the Holy Trinity (the son, the Father and the Holy Spirit), while Muhammad was not necessarily a son of any all important deity. From the Islam’s standpoint Jesus Christ is considered a prophet (same as Muhammad was considered a prophet), but that would about as accurate as stating that tigers eat meat; bears eat meat – therefore bears and tigers are identical. The falsehood is obvious.
B) Next in the line of comparison is the life of Jesus (a carpenter who led a modest life, took care of his fellow men (and women), healed the sick, helped to poor, protected the weak. This stands in sharp opposition to Muhammad’s life who was an illiterate shepherd, married rich, accumulated more wealth, ordered numerous deaths (by stoning and beheadings), demanded and obtained absolute subjugation (the word Islam in itself means “submission”). As far as taking care of any women-the only example we have is his marriage to a newly acquired slave Aisha who was 6 or 7 years old.
Prospects of Hell confirmed:
C) The Holy Kur’an states woman dress code:
Surra Al-Nour (the Light): 24:58 O YOU who have attained to faith! At three times [of day], let [even] those whom you rightfully pos¬sess, as well as those from among you who have not yet attained to puberty, ask leave of you [before intruding upon your privacy]: before the prayer of daybreak, and whenever you lay aside your garments in the middle of the day, and after the prayer of nightfall: the three occasions on which your nakedness is likely to be bared. Beyond these [occasions], neither you nor they will incur any sin if they move [freely] about you, attending to [the needs of] one another. In this way God makes clear unto you His mes¬sages: for God is all-knowing, wise!
D) Woman’s “AWRA” – closest definition of “awra” in English would be sex-appeal. This should boil down to some degree of attractiveness that a woman supposedly “radiates” and projects towards men. Since men are considered to be unable to control their sexual urges it is proposed by Islam that the women must neutralize their “awra” – as not to provoke men. Therefore women wear “burquas” – consisting of a face veil (as part 1) and a headscarf (as part 2). In numerous places in the Kur’an it is stipulated that women must wear layered clothing as not reveal their shapeliness, in addition to wearing burquas.
Now if we allow ourselves to think freely we will conclude that each person has his own tastes (likes and dislikes) and that no two men are exactly alike. As we are told that the Kur’an was dictated (or revealed) to Muhammad by God (or angel Gabriel), we know that God is the author of the Kur’an. Therefore, the Kur’an must have its universality. It should uphold the same truths in the Summer as it does in The Winter, same for tall men as for short men, the (real) truth will seldom be changed.
Here we get into a little bit of a pickle, as we know from numerous sources that Muhammed has had a pronounced taste for women, silk, money and wine. Those look like very ordinary human desires to me. What if some other Muslim (born 10 years after Muhammed) had taste for linen, goat meat, and apple cider? Would the Kuran have been different? Apparently yes. It is frightening that the Kuran seems to have been revealed to Muhammad but only and strictly within his own likings and dislikings – this raises a question that Muhammad is the actual author of the Kuran (not a prophet, not a messenger of God). So with 15 men you’d easily have 15 versions of “likes and dislikes” – what would that be like? It would be a total Chaos. Chaos to us in this temporal world is exactly what Hell would be in the afterlife. Therefore, the texts used by Islam, having been written by one man to satisfy and justify his own needs, desires and appetites, would greatly differ if they were written by some other man. The result would be a total Chaos. Hell would prevail on Earth in our lifetime, simply because contrarian documents of such importance can not mutually exist while being mutually exclusive. Muslims enjoy making a strong point of the suggestion that the Kur’an is a “total product of God, which regulates every aspect of a “good Muslim’s life, including the proper use of a bathroom”. If that really is the case, we fail to see how could have God forgotten hard boiled eggs.
This is why. In pre-Christian times, anybody traveling on a long journey outside of his province would routinely carry a good supply of hard boiled eggs. They will not spoil, and they will not go bad if it rains or if you have to swim with them on your person, or if it’s too cold or if it’s too warm. They were the most ideal food for travelers of all sorts. There is ample evidence that many European kings as close as the 16th and 17th Century were getting to be supplied with hard boiled eggs just as the Crusaders did 600 years prior, and the nomadic tribes 1500 years prior to that. Has the “Allmighty” God, just simply omitted something as important as the food you eat, while we know that in Muhammad’s time the journeys would be done on a donkey and last months in any one direction whereby the seasons and customs may change three times by the time you return home. It just slipped his mind? I don’t think so. This is a rather comical silly example but it is only one of thousands of examples which put the entire Islamic thinking under sufficient scrutiny as to expose it for the real fraud that it is. It never was dictated to anybody by any God of any kind. It was written (spoken) by Muhammad to his scribes as he needed it to be at that time. The initial chapters are rather conciliatory and more all-encompassing – THEN, COMES IN SURRA 9 – kill them, slay them, lay in ambush, etc. etc. rather sudden change of tenor, but perfectly in keeping with Islamic doctrines (be quite while you are low in numbers, once you are in the majority, let all Hell break loose, try to convert, rape and pillage anywhere you can, as much as you can). The rest of the Kur’an barely deserves any mention as it seems like a pale copy of the Bible or the Torah, and Muhammad was surely aware of both prior to his “revelations”.
In conclusion Islam = Satanism on Earth in our lifetime.