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oped, whats next a secret police force
An editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

Mr. Bush, know matter the reason spying on your own people is wrong, yes you’re reason may sound right in fantasy land; this is not Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia or some totalitarian government with secret police and internment camps. This is the United States of America, and according to the constitution, the bill of rights; and the declaration of Independence that reason is not going to fly. Even with me, you made an enemy of the wrong man……

“He who makes me your enemy, the fault lies with him”

Julies Caesar
Triamvere of Rome

My cousin told me that if I keep writing controversial articles, letters to the editors and so forth I am going to make a lot of people mad as hell at me. If I do sir, it means I am doing my job as a soldier and as a patriot……. “For evil to thieve, all it takes is for good men to do nothing” Edmond Burke closed quote. Yes we were attacked on September 11th two thousand and one, which was our second Peal Harbor, and thirty five hundred innocent men women and children were murdered, maimed and psychologically changed forever. In Washington at the War Department, in New York at the World Trade Center and in a field in Pennsylvania; many who died were hero’s emergency services worker’s and those forty brave souls who forced their way unto their hijackers before allowing their plane United 93, they died as warriors not civilians, they died defending their country.

You Mr. President dishonor their memories by using that horrible day to get your own gulf of Tonkin resolution to start an unjust war in Iraq and passage of the so called Patriot act, which allowed you to do things other would not be allowed too. You and your crony’s made up intelligence and lies to launch an illegal invasion of a sovereign republic. Secret wire taps, spying on your own people and having the gall to call it preventive measures in time of War. Well sir to be a measure of prevention during time of war the houses of repersentives have to have declared a state of War between us and the Nation of Iraq. I have heard of no such resolution in the House. All I saw in two thousand and two was a president who openly lied to the people of the United State himself and by his designee.

A government that lie to the House and Senate comities on government over sight to get it’s way, namely the Secretary of State, the Director of National Security and the Director of the Central Intelligence agency, George Tenant and Condoleezza Rice now Secretary of State. So far we have lost in the ITO (Iraqi theater of operations) two thousand five nine hundred dead and thousands wounded and maimed. A war we have so called won, a war were children have been fighting and dying on the ground not their own and thousands more killed in the mind………

"A soldier's first battlefield
is always his own mind."

Admiral Constanza Q. Stark
Chief of Operations
Commonwealth High Guard
CY 9762
How many will come home altered forever by the blood and gore and the smell of death and you dare to spy on innocent men and women and children. It is one thing to hunt the dogs and animals who attacked our homeland who the clariques of Mecca have denounced as faithless murderers of women and children. It another to spy, control and manage what are people see, come November’s fall you lose you’re job with everyone else loyal to you. Spying on your own people is an act of treason that can not and will not be forgiven. We will bring our warrior’s home, we will get our allies home; an America will not ever forgive you, for the secret prison camps, the detention center at Gitomo and for putting our warriors in position to violate the rules of War and the Geneva Convention. In the ATO (Afghanistan Theater of operations) we did what was right and our still doing right hunting the butchers of September 11th and their protectors, the fanatical Islamic group the Taliban who we had to drive from power to get at the butchers. We have made allies of our enemies……. Those who sleep with dogs get bitten in this so called war on terror…..

"Here is the price of freedom:
Your every drop of courage,
ounce of pain, pint of blood.
Paid in advance"

--Sebastian Lee,
"The Rising Tide" AFC 271

it does not mean we violate the civil rights of our own citizens…. And allow an immigrant invasion of illegal into the United States-to allow then a path to citizenship. We are losing jobs in manufacturing, it and many others sectors. Frack me once shame on me, frack me twice shame on you,

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