Companies like Verizon and Comcast control key wires and computers that make up the Internet. They are pushing a law in Congress which would allow them to create an artificial "fast lane" for data and charge an extra fee. They stand to profit heavily and corporatize the Internet. This article is an update that calls for action.
The idea of "network neutrality" is simple. The owners of the internet wires treat all data the same, they keep their cyber hands off our data. This fundamental concept is under serious threat by the COPE Act, sponsored by Rep. Barton (R-TX).
If provisions of the COPE Act pass, network operators, like Verizon and Comcast, will charge a fee to give preferential treatment to upper class Internet users. If you're a cafe owner who doesn't pay the fee, your web site might function slowly, causing you to loose customers. If you're a non-profit activist group, future use of video clips might be jerky or load very slowly, thereby undermining your organizing efforts…. unless you pay a monthly fee.
Help Preserve Network Neutrality by Taking Action
1) Call Congressman Albert Wynn's office (D MD). He voted the wrong way (YES) on the COPE Act in the Commerce Committee. Ask to speak with his aide Ben Branch. Urge him to support amendments to preserve network neutrality.
Phone: 202-225-8699
Fax: 202-225-8714
2) Write your Representative
Convey this simple message: "Vote No on the Barton/COPE Act because it undermines equitable use of the Internet. We want Network Neutrality."
3) Pass the Word
The most important action you can take is to help create a groundswell of vocal outrage against this crass attempt to turn the Internet into another corporate medium.
4) Stay informed and involved. Learn about threats the COPE Act pose to Cable Public Access TV stations below.
Slowly our Media Access has Eroded
During the Regan era they took away the
"Fairness Doctrine", which required corporate media to provide access for opposing views as a requirement of their broadcast license.
The 1996 Telecommunications Act led to media consolidation, like the majority of AM Radio stations being owned by Right-wing corporations. Clear Channel used their AM Radio megaphone to rally the public into the Iraq War.

Save Access media action graphic
Corporations to Corner the Emerging Internet and Cable/Phone Media.
Network Neutrality: If the COPE Act passes, internet network owners will be able to determine whose data flows fast or slow across "their" network. Data will move fast for those with money, and slow for the rest of us.
Public Access TV: Still in its infancy, Public Access TV, via cable & phone lines, has awsome potential as a social organizing/educating medium. Because video-editing technology is now accessible to average people, the potential for community broadcasting is just emerging. The COPE Act will squash this by tilting power to the corporations. It would remove the rights of cities to negotiate franchise agreements with monopoly cable and phone companies.
"This overhaul of telecommunications law could be more devestating to community interests than the Telecommunications Act of 1996," Mike Shea, local media activist.
For More Information:
Save Access
Manhattan Neighborhood Network
Baltimore Grassroots Media (BGM)