Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism

Special Rights

Special Right, gay rights, Queer rights
An editorial
By Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

There have been a lot of court battles in all fifty states from Maine to California, from Washington State and from border to border. All concerning gay and lesbian civil liberties within the United States of America, as I am sure most of you know that the Anti-Sodomey laws were struck down by the United States Supreme Court; different faiths from the catholic church to the Mormons and every lay faith in between has said if we grant civil rights to the LGBT community that the deterioration of America and the sanctity of marriage would be under attack.

I must say that’s a mouth full, but to me it’s a load of frack, were not asking you to give us anything, but to say that if children in the LGBT community were to go to school with other children would make those children fall apart; to learn justice, tolerance and fairness would promote the so called LGBT community as a way of life while those people are living in fantasy land. To teach children to be tolerant of those different from them be they a race, religion, culture a so on; we are just asking for what everyone has respect, to be treated fairly in all aspects of life to be treated as any other race, culture, religion, peoples. We are your brother’s sisters, cousins, father’s and mother’s. We are doctors, lawyers, nurses, mechanics, pilots, stewardesses, policemen, fire fighters. We are Soldiers, Sailor’s Marines and Airmen and coastguardsmen, we Governor, Senators, Congressmen.

We are the ones who run to danger, when other run from it; we embrace it. Could you tell who we are? Could you see us as we walked down the passage ways of our ship the hall ways of the Pentagon, or the White house guarding the President? We are those who stand with our brothers and sisters on the walls of paradise serving in silence and in night, hoping beyond hope that someday our fellow citizen of this outpost of freedom will accept us for who we are. The rights which they call special are not we earned them in blood and fire and with courage in places that have and have not names from Boston, to Baltimore to defending our freedom to barberry coast, places like Cuba, to a bloody five years civil war in places likes Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, Yellow tavern, the shendoha, First and second Manassas, then came the war with Spain in 1898. To the killing ground of Europe during World War I, many gave their lives for one cause freedom. Millions died in battle for inches of ground trench for trench, from the som to the bellow wood, to the lost battalion of the Argonne Forrest which later caused the defeat of the Germans in 1918 when we arrived in Europe, the end of Kaiser and his false leadership and the end of killing of four year of bloody killing.

The world endured fifth teen years of peace before till a mad man of pure evil came out of the ruins of a defeated Germany both economically and military to power. A mad man of hate which would come to power by deception, fear and mistrust thus began the reign of twelve year of terror in Germany, including six years of bloody war and millions of gallons of blood spilled upon the fields of Europe and Asia and Africa to restore freedom, and millions murdered within their realm who opposed them, clergy, statesmen, the educated, the disabled, the mentally ill were the first to be put to the sword then the Judeans of Europe blamed for Germany’s Woo’s, blamed by the NAZI for the destruction of the Reich Chancellery thus instilling fear and hate to secure their hold on power, with the death of President Hindenburg in 1935 Hitler secured his power absolute from chancellor to dictator of Germany. As history shows he was made chancellor to keep Germany from falling into Civil War. It would be Hindenburg’s bargain with the devil and madman.

We fought as British, French, Australians, New Zealanders, Chinese, Koreans, and Burmese and so on. We learned names like Auschwitz – Burkenow, Sobey Bore, Bergen-Belsen, ravens brook; Dachau- Bergenmoor and sassenhousin and labonsborn. The experiments, torture, bigotry and hate, Some what we saw was horrific and unjust, we fought and the cost was enormous, the stories of women and children stripped and lead to gas chambers because of their religion, an by the way Mr. Heath so called christen and executive Director of the so called Christen Civic League of Maine. More then a third were members of the LGBT community, partisans, soldiers who new the horror of the work camps and the prison camps. They fought for and died for one cause that united a world freedom, six million Judeans, a million and half intellectuals, clergy and gypsies and a half million Lesbian, gays and transgender died in the camps and by the hand of the so called special commando groups or they were experimented on

This was Nazi superiority, Nazi experimentation we fought along side you to end this. We would fight beside on many other fields like Korea five years after this hell on earth, then eleven years later in South Vietnam to Grenada, then Beirut, to Somalia in the ninety to war in Iraq, to the Balkans to stop the slaughter like above we went were the United Nations feared to tread, Nato did the dirty work. In Somalia we tried to end the suffering by landing a Marine expeditionary force to provide security for the aide coming in.

It lasted a while till we recalled the division and its support and left the job to the United Nations which failed when twenty-eight Pakistani soldiers were slaughtered like cows. The war lords in the Mouge were only held back for a while by our Marines when they left terror returned to a dying country and a dead capital. We sent a task force of Rangers and Delta commando’s to seize one man we failed a hundred warriors died in the attempt. Two were dragged through the streets dead and naked. They were hero’s so Mr. Heath how many American Warriors have fought and died for you and were member of the LGBT community? How many gave you the right to free speech, millions from before Christ to now. We fight and die in Iraq and Afghanistan, we died on United 93, we died in the world trade center, and we died on the other three flights that September day. Mr. Bush said we were fighting an axis of evil. The only evils I see is below its fear, lies, mistrust and hate for any one different the face of our evil

Mike Heath, Richard Cheney, and William Frist and George Walker Bush they would rule by fear, hate, mistrust and religious bigotry. The Reverend Mother Romallia said it best “when religion and politics ride in the same cart the willow wind follows” closed quote special rights gentlemen no, rights we have already won with our valor, courage and our blood these men and others like them would have you believe different, that we would degrade the nations defense; that we would do harm to children and destroy Christianity. We fought general pace in fields and deserts from before Christ to Normandy to Vietnam and Korea, we our Baptist, protestant, later day saint, catholic Judean and yes Muslim and any unit we served in was never degraded by our presence. I say this to every American who reads this…….

“Let every man and woman and child in America be united in one cause Freedom” for too many have paid the price as Pelagius said to Arthur once “ the most meaningless death is the end of hope” closed quote let us restore hope by uniting as one country regardless of religion, race, culture, gender and gender orientation we are all Americans, and our rights and beliefs are not for man to judge..….

“Freedom is yours by right it within each and everyone of you; it’s not in some far off land, and if this be our destiny then let history record that we as free men chose to make it so”

Arthur Castes (King Arthur)
Commander of the Samation Knights, and first king of England

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