Tomorrow (May 4, 2006) the Senate is prepared to vote on a bill that will rack up an additional $67.6 Billion for making war upon Afghanistan and Iraq. That "supplemental" money, however, will just keep the eager war-makers in just enough Depleted Uranium, Grenades, and Conventional Mines (all types) only to last another five months, till September 30.
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When War-Making Criminals Get What They Deserve
Cathy Garger
Today the Senate is prepared to vote on a bill that will rack up an additional $67.6 Billion for making war upon Afghanistan and Iraq. That "supplemental" money, however, will just keep the eager war-makers in just enough Depleted Uranium, Grenades, and Conventional Mines (all types) only to last another five months, till September 30.
That $67.6 Billion winds up coming out to be a cost of $13.52 Billion a month or $450.6 Million A DAY. Apparently, Congress agrees with the President that it is important to find the money to blow up innocent Iraqi citizens.
So let us not deceive ourselves for a minute. Afghanistan and Iraq's not just all about W, Rummy, and Condi. We must give credit where credit is due. After all, our Congress fully loves war, too.
Meanwhile, coked-out cowboy, Hitler the Second, is prepared to veto the bill. No, he didn't have a change of heart about killing innocent Middle-Easterners! Since H.R. 4939 includes $14 Billion for things that would actually *help* American citizens? Line items such as assistance for our farmers and other local (i.e. non-Military, non-consequential) concerns like helping the homeless residents of New Orleans re-build their homes will need to get dumped.
Sure glad our "representatives" in the US Capital have got their priorities straight! Job Number One, after all, always is: Make sure that the unstable American President gets his money to kill Iraqis and Afghans first, either by direct fire or via slower death by US uranium munitions inhalation. If - and only if - there are any monies left after the President and his Pentagon pals have their war fun, dole out the crumbs to poor American slobs (think homeless New Orleans survivors, hungry farmers, and sick veterans) back home.
I have only one question. I can't help but wonder how many more such "emergency" and "supplemental" war funding appropriations bills we are going to allow Congress to pass before the War Crimes Trials for these criminals who've seized control of the US federal government begin?
Does everyone by now pretty much agree that the red, white and blue has waged just about enough illegal nuclear wars upon humanity? And by war criminals, we're not just talking the top military brass, the cabinet, and the rest of the administration. When we make up our list of perpetrators who have committed their vile and unspeakably heinous crimes against humanity, we must not forget about Congress, too. After all, this administration and the Pentagon could never have engaged in fighting these wars upon innocent people without the constant flow of money that is lavished upon them.
Isn't it high time that we stopped talking about "Impeach W" and instead get on with the business of doling out justice for our Domestic Terrorists who have hijacked our government? And if we don't stop the American hijackers, we sure as hades know that they're certainly not going to do us the favor of policing themselves and walking into the prisons on their own accord.
Mayday, mayday good citizens watching Florence Henderson show her nasty self on Reality TV. We've got a government to take back, so turn off your tv sets till the criminals are safely locked up behind bars (where they can do you, me, and the good Iraqi people no further harm).
Those who vote for these illegal wars are going to have to share in the "justice" befitting war criminals who are, after all, accessory to untold numbers of cold-blooded murders. Yes, dark-skinned people from the Middle East do "count" as human beings, too, Mr. President.
And if there is any "justice" left in this world, let us only hope and pray that one day, the War Crimes Trials for our home-grown "evil doers" make the Nuremberg Trials look like a bloody picnic in the park.