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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Media

United 93: Disinformation and Lies

The Charles Theater and City Paper serving up lies about "Flight 93".
Folks, the fiction that United Airlines 93 crashed in Shanksville is easily proven false. All you have to do is review the TV network news coverage in the aftermath of the events of 9/11/01. When doing so you will realize that the only thing that was found in Shanksville is a large hole. There was NO PLANE wreckage. The Flight 93 story is a HOAX, pure fiction.

That doesn't stop the City Paper from repeatedly claiming that the events depicted in the film United 93 are real:

Yours truly wrote a letter to City Paper protesting the review of UA 93. Here is what I sent them:
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In his review of Paul Greengrass's film "United 93" (City Paper, 4/26/06), Lee Gardner repeatedly claims that the movie is an accurate account of the tragic events of 9/11/01. Unfortunately, both Greengrass and Gardner are omitting a number of details that dispute the official version of those events.

For example, there was no plane wreckage found in the large hole in Shanksville, PA that was described as Flight 93's last resting spot. This is confirmed by reviewing the news clips aired by the TV networks in the aftermath of that day.

In addition, Gardner finds no irony with the claim that there were 19 hijackers that day. According to the BBC (9/23/2001) four of the nineteen hijackers were alive after the events of 911 went down. The FBI has never bothered to publish a new list of hijackers in response to the BBC's report.

Since 3,000 people were murdered in broad daylight there is ample reason for City Paper to cover the events of 9/11/01 with more probity Gardner does with his review.

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