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Alexander Wants Electric Cars - Hydrogen SUV's

As technologies catch up to consumer needs, and gasoline prices soar daily to record highs, Alexander says it is important that we make an intelligent transition, manufacturing electric vehicles for daily commuting and hydrogen engines to power larger vehicles such as pickup trucks and SUV’s.
Alexander Wants Electric Cars – Hydrogen SUV’s

Stewart A. Alexander
2006 Candidate
California Lieutenant Governor
Peace and Freedom Party

The crusader against ramping up gasoline prices, Stewart Alexander, has proposed manufacturing electric cars in California to clean the environment and to cut Americans dependency on oil. Now the Lieutenant governor candidate wants pickup trucks and SUV’s manufactured with clean burning hydrogen engines.

Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed a plan, to produce hydrogen powered vehicles, that Alexander says will not solve California’s transportation needs for two decades and will be too costly. California needs a plan that can be executed in a relatively short time period with the least financial burden on consumers.

The technology of hydrogen power has been in existence for years, now with skyrocketing gasoline prices and global warming, Americans are open to new technologies that will reduce the nation’s oil dependency.

As technologies catch up to consumer needs, Alexander says it is important that we make an intelligent transition, manufacturing electric vehicles for daily commuting and hydrogen engines to power larger vehicles such as pickup trucks and SUV’s.

This plan would require some state and federal funding; however private investor, realizing the future for cleaning burning vehicles in America, will make Alexander’s hydrogen vehicles a reality.

Alexander says he believes it is possible to have 90 percent of all gasoline powered vehicles off the roads by the year 2020; “Even 15 years is still too long to wait.”

Alexander says, “California needs an 8 year plan to cut petroleum consumption by 70 percent. The nation needs to make similar cutbacks to protect our environment and our planet.”

Recently Alexander proposed a California - Automobile Industry Partnership to revive the struggling American automobile industry, with the production of electric cars. During the month of April Alexander proposed building an elevated rail system in Riverside and Orange Counties to take 100’s of thousands of commuters off the 91 freeway parking lot and to derail an ongoing plan to drill three 45 foot diameter holes deep in the Cleveland National Forest and the Santa Ana Mountains.

Stewart Alexander is running as a candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party and has worked as a national activist on environmental issues. As a leader in the Peace and Freedom Party he says, “It is time to protect consumers against corporate greed and stop consuming their black gold.”

For more information, search the web for Stewart A. Alexander for Lieutenant Governor.

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