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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Californians Rejecting One Party System

Californians reject the one party system because the new Democratic Republican Party only represents five percent of all Americans. Today people are going to the streets and there is an awaking in America for a change in leadership.

Stewart A. Alexander
2006 Candidate
California Lieutenant Governor
Peace and Freedom Party

Like many Americans, more and more Californians are beginning to reject the emerging one party system in America because the Democratic Republican Party is moving in the opposite direction from the people they represent.

California leadership has failed to take a position on the big issues such as the Iraq War,
gasoline prices and immigration, and as a result millions are going to the streets to protest their frustrations.

The agenda in Washington D.C. is not inline with the social needs of most Americans and is creating a lack of trust and apathy among millions nationwide.

Californians have lost more soldiers and have suffered more casualties than any state and the Iraq War has stalled with one party and one congress following a trail of failed policy. In 2005 tens of thousands of Californians, Democrats and Republicans walked the streets to protest the war and the failure of leadership.

Approaching the 2006 election year congress introduced legislation to reform immigration policies in the United States. The timing to deal with this hot issue was only to shift focus from the Iraq War; and once again millions walked the streets to protest their frustration with the Democratic Republican leadership. The nation refused to buy into the cover-up.

What most Americans now realize is that laws already exist to effectively deal with immigration issues, however Washington has failed to enforce these laws and has chosen to permit a relax policy for the benefit of corporate America, cheap labor.

Another big issue facing all Californians and Americans is the high cost of fuel; and the Democratic Republican Party is sitting in the balcony on this growing crises. Californians are getting beat-up by the oil giants, and the leadership, at all levels of government, is only remaining silent.

Today we see a united Democratic Republican Party; they speak with one voice and share the same silence. They share similar concerns and create the same confusion.

The common thread that unites this new Democratic Republican Party is its’ conservative agenda to represent and protect the rich and corporate America. There is only an illusion that this party represents poor Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, the homeless, the working class people, the poor, and the middle class.

Today the Peace and Freedom Party is offering America a change of direction. The party believes Americans need more than the present one party system. Americans need a party that will stand for working people and believes in social equality.

Americans need a party that believes America should end the Iraq War now, that believes immigrants have rights and should not be exploited only for cheap labor.

Americans need a party that believes our prisons should not be institutions to house the poor, the homeless, minorities, and the mentally ills citizens of our society.

Americans need a party that rejects the exploitation of world labor markets, and rejects a universal system of slave labor and worldwide poverty.

Americans need to be on guard not to buy into the propaganda of the Democratic Republican Party in 2006 because the greatest threat facing Americans today is not the Iraq War, the trade deficit, our national debt, gas prices, or immigration; it’s the poor leadership representing our state and nation.

For more information, search the web for, Stewart A. Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor.

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