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BTL:Public Citizen's Ralph Nader Outraged By Bush Adm Attack On Civil Liberties

Public Citizen's Ralph Nader Outraged by Bush Administration Attack on Civil Liberties. Between the Lines' Scott Harris Interviews Ralph Nader, citizen activist and former Green Party presidential candidate.
Public Citizen's Ralph Nader Outraged by Bush Administration Attack on Civil Liberties.

Between the Lines' Scott Harris Interviews Ralph Nader, citizen activist and former Green Party presidential candidate.

Since the Sept. 11th attacks, the Bush administration has demanded and received extraordinary powers from Congress to prosecute the War on Terrorism. Civil liberties advocates maintain that some provisions of the USA Patriot Act dangerously erode civil liberties, while the secret detention of more than 1,000 immigrants in the months after the assault on New York and Washington has troubled many governments around the world that once looked to the checks and balances in the U.S. justice system as a model to follow.

In recent months, the Bush administration's Attorney General John Ashcroft has denied immigrants, alleged enemy combatants and now even U.S. citizens -- who have been imprisoned in the post September 11th sweep -- the right to see family members or consult with an attorney. By executive order, the FBI is once again allowed to spy on American citizens engaged in constitutionally protected religious, civic and political activities.

Critics contend that U.S. democracy is under attack in ways not seen since the McCarthy era and the 1960s, when activists fighting for civil rights and against the Vietnam War were spied upon, infiltrated and disrupted by federal agencies. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with former Green Party presidential candidate and citizen activist Ralph Nader, who discusses his concerns about the damage being done to the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution as the Bush administration wages its War on Terrorism at home and abroad.

Ralph Nader's latest book is titled "Crashing the Party," published by St. Martin's Press. For information on the struggle to preserve civil liberties, call the American Civil Liberties Union at (212) 549-2500 or visit their Web site at

Related links:

National Lawyers Guild's Web site,
Ralph Nader's Web site Essential Information,
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