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Forms of aggression

The several overseas incidents show clearly that we here at home in the US are being misled - deliberately deceived and lied to. How necessary is this and does it have to go on for much longer?
0503-Agim Cheku in the KLA uniform.jpg
On the right Agim Cheku in the KLA uniform leads me to believe that Senator Lieberman might be shaking hands with bin Laden in a few years time too.
Forms of aggression

In Serbian government’s collaboration (dirty word in many foreign languages), with the Hague criminal tribunal, some unusual steps have taken place which confine the understanding, blur the eye and confuse the issues.

It has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Kosovo’s “Albanian population”, now includes tens of thousands who simply walked over the porous border’s mountain region of Prokletije mountains. It is common knowledge that in its final decades 1970s, 1980s and partially 1990s, Albania was the last bastion of Stalinist form of hard line communism. Continuous outflow was never monitored but the common language and old tribal traditions insured the potential exiles a warm welcome in Serbia’s Kosovo. Prior to all the conflicts Serbia’s Kosovo has some 1.3 million Albanians and only about 300.000 Serbs.

Kosovo agit-prop division (schooled by Joseph Goebels) claims that Serbian war machine has killed some 1.6 million Albanians (which just slightly exceeds the existing number of inhabitants), but more importantly stands in sharp conflict with the post war count of some 2.3 million Albanians. How, in the name of Jesus Harold Christ can your population double if it was decimated? Serbians failed to keep their wars going and their non-war inflamed regions in check. This is nothing new. I will offer two examples of the same type of political machinations which are taking place during the past few days:

According the United Nation’s Security Council resolution 1244, the military conflict between Clintonian sponsored criminal aggression (AKA WAR, AKA NATO air-strikes) against Yugoslavia (that’s what it was called at that time) peace was brokered with clear stipulations that the further “accidental civilian casualties” AKA collateral damage, would stop and a contingent of occupying forces would be allowed to impose a temporary governing system of the Kosovo province while the territorial integrity and Serbian borders would remain unaffected. A deadline for the withdrawal of the foreign troops from Serbian soil in Kosovo was set to be at the end of a referendum set for August 2005. That day came and passed. NATO’s force was subsequently replaced by the military of European Union so that the American contingent – (the one which on Clinton’s orders started the entire charade) can be withdrawn. The aggression started in 1999. With all that wisdom and all those members of the operation “Allied force” – (standard rules of lies to be applied: if it is called allied – it should normally indicate only United States or only United Kingdom with some symbolic following of the Nepalese or Canadians which are both considered dependencies and/or colonies of one or the other of the two superpowers in the fields of international lies and intrigue) – so all of the wisdom was being generated since about July of 1992 according to NATO’s at:

The incredible genius of war (must have origins in British, or American armed forces) for all this time and all of their presence never noticed the systematic killing, expulsion and other forms of elimination of the Serbian minority from Kosovo, but manages to monitor to “no-fly zone” over Bosnia, has a fleet of constantly airborne AWACS with most sophisticated surveillance equipment but it fails to note the killings of Serbians in both Croatia Krajina region and Serbia’s Kosovo region. Some sophisticated systems. Never-mind that 300,000 Serbian families have been expelled from the Krajina region of Croatia. I was always wondering about the methods of selective hearing and selective vision. Foolishly I thought that the selective hearing and selective vision are only human traits, but now we learn that even the most sophisticated listening devices are capable of human flaws.

Let me give two very good examples why this post appears today:
1. Over the last 30 days there was some 30 tons of ammunition received by the Kosovo province – which begs a question what is the purpose of the “peace keeping force” there if the some of the preferred principal combatants are being armed under their noses. To make things worse, the KLA (Albanian “liberation army”) which has been placed on the US Senate’s list of terrorist organizations (known ties to bin Laden’s Al Quaida) appointed official Aghim Cheku (pictured here shaking hands with the High commissioner Soren Jesen-Petersen. How do you ever circumvent the status of a terrorist, get to re-arm your forces, all while under the administrative rule of an internationally appointed commissioner? Maybe it’s only me, but I fail to see the reason for all the 10 years of prior surveillance, not to mention the NATO aggression, civilian targets (pardon us “collateral damage”). Article sourced from:

2. April 6th edition of Blic daily features a story about the missing Serbian soldiers who “committed suicide” while serving in Slovenia (another one of the break-away republics of the former Yugoslavia) sourced from: //

3. Early August 1995 hundreds of thousands of Serbians were killed, exiled, ethnically cleansed from the Krajina region of Croatia, sourced from:

Now if you put all of this together and conclude that NATO was engaged in heavy surveillance starting with about 1991 with increased military presence in the region during 1992 according to NATO’S own documents (sourced at: stating “July 1992
NATO ships belonging to the Alliance's Standing Naval Force Mediterranean, assisted by NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA), began monitoring operations in the Adriatic. These operations were undertaken in support of the UN arms embargo against all republics of the former Yugoslavia (UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 713) and sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (UNSCR 757).”

It remains undisputed that NATO’s presence in the region is documented and evidenced. As it has never been in NATO’s mandate to attack but rather to prevent attacks or defend any of its members – we now arrive at a mega-dilemma. What where they doing there if some 300,000 people can disappear in front of their nose?

Equally confusing that the legal machinery barely trembles when in November 1963 JFK is assassinated under clearly suspicious circumstances.

IN CONCLUSION: The above modus operandi is a clear form of domestic aggression against us here at home in the United States. Telling big fat juicy lies to the public has become “de rigueur” matter of fact by the constantly growing government apparatus, emboldened by the introduction of various self-defense measures (like the Patriot Act in the United States). Although much of this post has to do with some overseas activities, we (the American public) have been lied to in a very straight forward fashion. And these were big juicy lies. The faster we see the military machinery growing the more frequent and more juicy lies become indispensable. A patriot’s duty is to protect his country from its government.
Click on image for a larger version

Krajina map.bmp
Serbian Krajina region takes up over one third of Croatia and their need to ethnically cleanse the area for a massive territorial gain is understood
Krajina's poorly organized exodus trail of tears.bmp
Krajina's chaotic exodus, poorly organized exodus also called "trail of tears"
the most accurate image on NATO's actions
Kosovo to Serbs is what Jerusalem is to Jews
Click on image for a larger version

Krajina's poorly organized exodus trail of tears.bmp
Krajina's trail of tears (poorly organized exodus at gunpoint)

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