News :: Crime & Police
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By Bill Gallagher
030606. From bush, and his kind, the zionists, who are so fond of accounting, I hereby demand an accounting of all the human experimentation done by this zionist-federal-reserve-government, commencing with the last 6 years. I demand to know what role the 911 made-for-tv event played in facilitating this mass human experimentation. I demand to know the role of corporate media in perpetrating this massive fraud on the American People.
I want all the details of the development and use of directed energy weapons as deployed via drone, manned aircraft, ENMOD, and walkby/driveby attacks, here in America, Since 2000. I want to know the roles of the various organized religions in aiding and abetting this takeover attempt by world zionist bankers and their lackeys.
I want full disclosure concerning ALL ancient and extraterrestrial technology recovered and hoarded by zion and the federal reserve government which they control, to be held for the day they could be used as weapons against the American people.
I want to know the true extent of the deployment and implementation of electronic projects related to mk-ultra mind control programs, originating at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville Alabama; I want to know all the details in full disclosure concerning mass electronic mind control, which have been implemented in America, especially since 1990.
TO THE READER: Historically, these types of criminals like bush, and his zionist-drug-mob, become vindictive and hostile in the extreme when confronted about their crimes, and malevolence does not even come close to describing their collective behaviour when the gig is up....BEWARE. 911 was just a flex to show you what happens if you do not capitulate totally to the international Drug Mob which has taken over Americas Government and Currency.