News :: Europe
Peace in the Balkans?
After the United States led attack on the ever so evil “butcher of the Balkans” Slobodan Milosevic, much effort was spent in trying to stabilize the region, to define borders and to stop the centuries old blood letting. United Nations (UNPROFOR + KFOR in Kosovo) forces were stationed there for some time replaced by the forces of the European Union. Now, that Milosevic has been killed, we have to blame somebody else, don't we?

The police in Croatia's soccer brawl does not seem particularly active, does it?
The results are worse than poor. Only in the last two days we have these two events to illustrate some more on the degree of predominant violence and shine some new light on the possible perpetrators. According to CNN (Christiana Amanpour – in particular) Serbians are such beasts, with such an appetite for other people’s lands that they should be exterminated completely.
That image should be modified a little bit, or Christiana Amanpour should be forced to investigate and report these two incidents, both within a few days apart:
1. Milisav Ilincic (19 years old) was repeatedly stabbed last night, while standing, with his girlfriend, near the bridge on the North (Serbian side) of Kosovska Mitrovica. Three Albanian youngsters of about the same age were seen by a patron of Dolce Vita café across the street. Same witness heard the exchange between the three youngsters and an officer of the local Albanian police advising the three youngsters to leave back over the same bridge as not to get caught. (MY CONCLUSION: Serbians should be bombed again and Christiana Amanpour should explain the motives behind the above incident)
2. Storm 2 (Storm was the name of the Croatian military action which ethnically cleansed the region of Srpska Krajina from over 300,000 Serbs without a single intervention from the ever vigilant Western observers or Christiana Amanpour. In this instance the soccer players of the Sindjelic club, from the Serbian village of Trpinje, were attacked by a mob which continuously attacked and beat up the Serbian players for over 10 minutes. The Serbian players were not protected by the local Croatian police forces which were present at the time of the incident. (MY CONCLUSION: Serbians should be bombed again and Christiana Amanpour should explain the motives behind the above incident). I can only be lucky that others before me have coined a phrase "war slut" with regard to this particular "correspondent".
Iliya Pavlovich

Stabbed Milisav Ilincic in recovery

Thank God it wasn't me who called this person a "war slut" - I couldn't entirely disagree