Photo and link to photo and video of "squibs", the ejected material from buildings demolished by explosive impolsion.
For the record, as just one IMC editor, I wanted people to be informed about the "squib issue" as it relates to the WTC collapse.
The following is perhaps the best photo of a "squib" ejecting from the WTC North Tower. First, note the dark ejection (squib) from the lower right, well below the collapsing material (there were several). Second, note the white puff of smoke in the center of the face of the tower, likely the frontal view of a "squib".
Click on image for a larger version
One of the best photos of a "squib" shown ejecting from the lower right of WTC North Tower.
Everyone should click on the following link of building demolitions and watch the "Southwark Towers" video clip (See two towers, towards the left, on the second row):
Note the sound of explosions associated with the Southwark Tower implosion. This cannot be confused with any sound associated with the collapsing building material.
Once your eye is trained, you can detect many "squibs" like these if you view video and photo footage. The following link convenitenlty collects the available video in one place (See North Tower from Northeast & still photos):
WTC Collapse Videos
The curious reader should consider BYU physics professor Steve Jones' evaluation of these issues:
BYU Paper Link