Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

Mass Housing and Convergence Space Secured for Anti-World Bank, IMF Actions

Mass Housing and Convergence Space Secured in Washington DC!!!

As the mobilizations against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund draw near, a convergence space and mass housing have been set up for the days of action; Friday April 21 through Sunday April 23, 2006.  Both the mass housing and the Convergence Space will be at St. Stephens Episcopal Church in Columbia Heights at 16th St. NW and Newton St. NW.  St. Stephen's is located 6 blocks from the
Columbia Heights (green line) Metro stop and along the S2 and S4 bus lines.   We look forward to seeing everyone on the streets of DC, in the yards of the delegates and in the parties of the wealthy. Be there and be Farragut Square.

This announcement brought to you by the Farragut Squares Collective, a local ad hoc group of individuals fed up with the Bretton Woods Institutions and  capitalist globalization. We draw on members from the DC Anti War Network and MGJ, amongst many groups. We fully support a collaborative, open, and non-hierarchical organizing relationship with all who wish to join us in taking action. Send any inquiries or shows of support to farragutsquares (at)

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