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OK he’s dead, can not be re-killed
The propaganda against all things Serbian continues to go unabated. Look at today’s BBC. Worse than CNN. Pay attention to what the psy-op specialists call “source poisoning” so that you can subliminally get the reader to associate the one with the other.
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Regardless of how evil he was - it remains theoretically impossible that he alone is at fault for everything that went wrong in the Balkans
In the above mentioned (and bellow referenced) BBC article, the topic was where to bury a person who was a prior president in disgrace. Granted they have not mentioned Hitler and Stalin (the world’s two most criminal criminals), but look who they did mention in the same line of thought as Milosevic:
1. Idi Amin Dada – feared to have also been a cannibal (?)
2. Milton Obote – equally of Uganda (like Amin)
3. Ferdinand Marcos (bloody end in the (unresolved) Philippines
4. Francisco Franco – a Fascist (Hitler’s ally)
5. Zhao Ziyang – Chinese communist leader (bad to Americans)
6. the Romanovs – Russian Royal family (all things Russian must be bad and Communistic)
7. Napoleon Bonaparte – not much influence on American readers but still a thorn in the side of the many Brits
8, 9, 10 and 11. In Africa, the former rulers of Ethiopia and Chad, Haile Mengistu Mariam and Hissene Habre, are growing old in exile + Augusto Pinochet of Chile
Not a bad job at all. If you’re careless or slightly less “worldly educated” – can’t be said for most of my American friends, you fall under the syndrome of thought – these are all bastards of one kind or another – re-affirming the pre-outlined policy of all things Serbian must be bad – Clinton didn’t touch Lewinsky, Serbia was not bombed as a colossal error of the Democratic morons in power and fear of the Muslims they tried to appease. It all begins to make the same (warped) sense. So the less we notice, the less we ask – the less we know. Regretfully for the genius who devised that policy there are those nitpicky pests like myself who will not be sold on this idiotic logic. The entire World Trade Center, the entire Bush logic – which is often condemned by the Democrats – was STARTED BY THE SAME DIMMOCRATS – so now let’s all try to blame who-ever we can as long as nobody is looking at Slick-Lewinsky-Ken Starr, etc.
Iliya Pavlovich, PhD

Don't forget there was Paula Jones (and J. Flowers - not pictured) before Lewinsky

From star to criminal

From president to sleazy criminal

"international court" innocent, until proven guilty? Who's kidding who?
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what a charmer