Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Crime & Police

Anarchist Black Cross Members Supporting Bombers

This week, Anarchist Black Cross member Earth Lib (ELF) posted an article about Two teens blowing up a McDonalds toilet with an IED.

While ELF did not post an opinion or a sympathy statement with the two teens, it was clearly intended to show that anti-McDonalds activists scored a strike against the corporation. It was also intended to inform Anarchist Black Cross Members of the current punishment scales for getting caught.

ABC routinely analyzes tactics and punishments of violent criminals, weighing the degree of support to give them based upon the stated rationale of the criminals involved. ABC also studies the delivery mechanism of explosive devices and then formulates or modifies its tactics.

In the McDonalds Bombing a 7 year old child was nearly killed. Had the two boys done the bombing out of righteous ecoterrorism and not sheer boredom, ABC would have also extolled their activity.

ELF routinely informs and takes part in ABC.

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