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Murtha and Moran still haven't apologized for their ignorance of Missing $2.3 Trillion

The two Democrats Murtha and Moran at the C-span town hall forum a young woman asked them about the pentagon's missing trillions- and they dismissed her as a silly girl. This (guessing) twenty-something blogger knew something, a major something, that the two $160,000 CongressCritters didn't know. Something they should have known. Since then, neither of the two Critters has issued a statement or posted an apology to the young woman - it appears they'd rather just forget about it.

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During the last several years that I've been studying politics intensely, it's become apparent that Congress is living in a bubble, an information vacuum - they don't even know what's really going on.

Take for instance Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning, who cancelled all his newspaper subscriptions and only watches Fox News. Why is a clueless individual such as this allowed to make decisions on things like the "Patriot" Act? It's ridiculous.

Well, that's just one Senator you say. How about the two Democrats Murtha and Moran at the C-span town hall forum a young woman asked them about the pentagon's missing trillions- and they dismissed her as a silly girl. This (guessing) twenty-something blogger knew something, a major something, that the two $160,000 CongressCritters didn't know. Something they should have known. Since then, neither of the two Critters has issued a statement or posted an apology to the young woman - it appears they'd rather just forget about it.

I just watched it again (C-span 1:06:20), Moran is such an ass. He's 60 years old, wears a suit, and he doesn't know jack. Two months have now passed, and he has never acknowledged that he was wrong, that it was TRILLIONS. If anyone knows this gal, please tell her she ought to run for Congress ($160,000 salary ;-) & send her to

Seriously, her 2nd question is, why not let the Iraqis vote on whether the troops stay? Woohoo! Get this gal to run for Congress!

Who's more qualified to be a Representative of the People, a young woman that knows the truth, or an old goat that doesn't, a goat that's been part of this corrupt establishment for decades? Now that they know- they still haven't done anything. The Dems are just as guilty as the Repubs- they all must go.

There is still time to get Real People on the ballot in 47 States.

The Problem is not the Bush Believers- there aren't that many left.

The Problem is not with the mainstream democrats that "don't have the time" to get informed.

The Problem is with those of US that think MoveOn, PDA, UFPJ and ANSWER have a plan.

The Problem is with those of US that Know  yet continue waiting for the politicians to do something. If they haven't acted by now, they never will.

It just came out that the torture was approved by top officials, yet this is not the top story, hell it's not any story- it seems NPR and the rest of the corporate media got the memo to Orwellize it.

Every single blogger that knows about this- you are more qualified to be a US Representative than No Plan Pelosi or whoever your critter is. Think about it- is $160,000 a year and a chance to go down in the history books worth a shot?

Think about it - the masses are with us!

Only 10% of Germans in 1939 were Nazis, yet Hitler took control because everyone was fooled and/or lazy. The same thing is happening now, right before our eyes, Bush admitted to an impeachable offense on National television, and Congress is going to re-write the laws for him. Now they are Spying on peace groups, building detention centers, charging nurses with sedition, going after "news informers" and "those that sympathize with the enemy"….

Are you just going to lay low and accept this crap like the local "antiwar leaders" suggested to me? We The People don't want this- we want someone to stand up to this buLLshIT.

Sure one blogger with no money doesn't stand a chance against the big $$ candidates. But wouldn't a network of 435 bloggers, running to Restore the Constitution, to Restore Common Sense and Decency to our Gov't- don't you think could get the message out- with no tv ads, just the net, print ads, flyers and word-of-mouth. Aren't people ready for a change? People could call friends across the country, put in your zipcode and find the name of The Peace and Constitution Candidate, one of 435 real Americans running to Take Back America.

I ask you to consider joining me in running for Congress.

American citizen, at least 25 yrs old
Well-informed on current events
Pledge to put People above Profits
Willing to dedicate the next 8 months to taking back our country.


ps- People keep telling me, "well that's just not the way it works" …. I'm asking for a return to logic- can't anyone logically think for themselves what makes sense and what doesn't.

It's time to stop accepting the norm because that's how we got into this mess.


There is still time to get on the ballot as Rep or Dem in 47 states. But time is running out- this idea needs to spread like wildfire across the internet.

If you want a better America, please help spread the word.


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